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These hands deserve so much respect.



"These hands deserve so much respect.

Hands that worked the land from sunrise to sunset. Women and men who, with a small piece of orchard, managed to cultivate it and to support their children, working seasonally without caring about the type of work... always hard.
They bartered with neighbours: half a dozen eggs in exchange for a kilo of flour or oil.

Many of them could not even go to school and yet they became great sages: the wisdom of life.

They raised their children through many hardships, sacrificing themselves to give them the best piece of bread, even if they did not eat. They made their eyes small looking at the best future for them.

Let us not allow them to be invisible, they gave their all. Let us give them love and recognition. Let them talk, let them tell us about their life, their childhood. That will enrich us as people. Let them have a beautiful sunset and when night falls we will remember them as the great teachers they were."


~ Unknown
Image credit: chentannos

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