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Before you know what kindness really is
you must lose things,
feel the future dissolve in a moment
like salt in a weakened broth.
What you held in your hand,
what you counted and carefully saved,
all this must go so you know
how desolat

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Peace Of Mind



Peace Of Mind


My thoughts are far from the universe
Though I live in a world that's so diverse
My mind is in a deep space of fantasy
Where I can always count on my dependency.

I'm certainly not used to talking much
Nevertheless, I do think a lot

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The sun is still rising



The sun is still rising,
the wind is still blowing,
and out here in the wild,
you are growing.

And there might be days
where you might struggle to feel it’s true,
and you might struggle to trust
that here in the wilderness,
there is more ahead of

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from 'Letters from Life'



Not every perceived challenge we meet in life
is an obstacle we must overcome.

You see, when we hit a stumbling block
or a bump in the road or a brick wall,
we are usually already
tired, exhausted and overwhelmed.

So maybe the stumbling block is n

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Vortex, 2024



Vortex, 2024

Created at Little Milford woods

Definitely had some collapses with this one. Previous to this work I've made pieces to test the strength of the mud/clay that I gather from the river nearby. This shows it well, I used it to stick the s

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With all that wildness



I hope my daughter is beautiful
in the wildest of ways
like tree roots
reaching deep into the earth
fierce, not cute

and growing as deeply
as her branches will rise
reaching to the beckoning skies
and down into the core
always aware, there is m

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My immortal Soul



Sometimes I think this life is too short for me,
When I think of all the things I want to do,
When I think of all the places I want to see,
When I think of all the people I want to love.

If I could have more eyes to see the world,
Or more ears to hea

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you are not here and yet you are everywhere. i cannot see you and yet i see the evidence of how you so richly poured yourself into my world. i cannot hear you and yet your voice is in everything i do from day to day. from the first glimpse of the

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I know there may have been times in your life when you’ve stopped dancing, stopped singing, stopped being yourself because someone was watching you. Judging you.

And you are not the only one to feel this way. But I can’t help thinking that we’ve g

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Earth Teacher ~ A Ute Prayer




Earth teach me quiet ~ as the grasses are still with new light.

Earth teach me suffering ~ as old stones suffer with memory.

Earth teach me humility ~ as blossoms are humble with beginning.

Earth teach me caring ~ as mothers nurture their young.

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"Why We Are Here"



"Why We Are Here"
By Nicky Hamid


Why we are here, and what we are to do (our Purpose) is all so simple. You are here to raise your frequency in embodiment and in all you do and ARE. It is a matter of bringing the Light of your Being, the Light of So

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Are you waiting for another person?



In 1985 I went to a fancy restaurant for lunch by myself, and when they asked me how many, and I said “one please” I could feel a kind of embarrassment come over me.

I sat down, and the server came over and said, “Are you waiting for another perso

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We tend to forget that it takes at least three days to integrate the energies we receive, and thus wonder why we're having symptoms when "nothing big is happening." As you may recall, over the past 72 hours, we've had three

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