
What is a Cottage Witch?


What is a Cottage Witch?

What is a Cottage Witch?


Witchcraft has often been associated with wild nature and the untamed, but what about witchcraft that takes place in the home? So, we’ll discuss what really is a cottage witch and some of the ways you can get started. 


First things first, what is a Cottage Witch and cottage magic?

Cottage Witches practice cottage magic. A cottage witch is sometimes called a house witch or a hearth witch based her practice around the hearth & home. Also known as hearth magic, domestic magic, or domestic witchcraft it is all about using your home and the objects within it to help you achieve your goals. Cottage magic is a type of modern, contemporary eclectic witchcraft practice that utilizes domestic magic.



What are some of the goals of a cottage witch?

Cottage witches practice domestic magic also called low magic or everyday magic. Low here doesn’t mean lesser than, it just peans the opposite pole of “high” or ceremonial magic. Low magic is less elaborate but no less important.


Many people think that the only goal of a witch is to cast spells and perform rituals. But, the truth is that witches have the same goals as everyone else – they just use a different set of tools to achieve them. Some of the goals of modern cottage witches include:


  • Protection, cleansing
  • abundance/money
  • Relationships of all kinds
  • Healing acute and chronic, magical and mundane, spiritual physical and emotional
  • Safty
  • Deflection
  • Personal goals manifesting


Example: You want to buy your first home, start a business or have job security, bless a life moment, retune the energy of a space, protect from the ill will of others. These are all examples of low or everyday magical needs. You may not do a grand ritual for each of these (though you may choose to include a working in a ritual) but the magical work can still be done.


What tools and supplies do you need to be a cottage witch?

  • In order to practice witchcraft, you don’t need a lot of special tools or supplies. In fact, many cottage witches find that the easiest way to get started is by using what they have around the house. However, there are some things that can make your practice a little easier and more fun. Here are a few recommendations for tools and supplies to help you get started with domestic witchcraft
  • Everyday items take on a deeper meaning; spoons become wands, trays and cutting boards become altars, wreaths become protection grids and statues become wards. Healing salve on a booboo takes on new meaning when you say a little spell under your breath as you apply it “heal little froggy tail”
  • Plants, rocks, and gifts from nature all have deeper meanings, you don’t need a shiny crystal.
  • Communicate your intention to ingredients whether cooking, cleaning, or the products and items you use to get dressed.



How do you perform a spell as a cottage witch?

Every witch will develop their own method over time but here is my method for crafting a sympathetic spell:


  • Determine your need or desire
  • Determine your intention/goal or intended outcome (how you plan to achieve this need or goal ex
  • Ethical considerations
  • Timing
  • Method of magic
  • Vibration, energy, or spirit
  • Correspondences
  • Materials 
  • Incantation
  • Cleanse and Cast if your tradition calls for it


What are some of the benefits of practicing Cottage magic?

  • This type of witchcraft and magic is all about creating and working with charms, spells, and potions in your home so the first benefit is it’s super convenient 
  • More than simply a way to get things done around the house, it’s a way to exist magically and you won’t need any special ingredients unless you choose to use them.
  • Cottage magic helps you connect to the energies all around you and personalize your witchcraft practice


Have you ever tried any of the techniques we talked about today? Cottage witchcraft and magic can be a very empowering practice that helps us connect with our homes and the spirits who live there. It’s also a great way to utilize magic to achieve our goals, whether they are personal or professional. If you have experience with domestic witchcraft, I would love to hear about it in the comments. And if not, why not give it a try? The supplies needed for most of these practices are likely already sitting in your kitchen cupboard.


by Lacey Burbage

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