Tourmaline Properties and Characteristics | Diamond Buzz

"Once You Heat it, Your Brain Starts Changing" (seriously)


The stones are stylishly placed in rows along the carbon fiber heaters behind a sauna built-in backrest.

Tourmaline is a naturally occurring mineral with unique electrical properties that is the background to the many positive health effects associated with this remarkable stone.

Tourmaline is known to generate a weak electric current, which produces infrared rays and converts moisture in the air into negative ions.
Unlike mechanically produced negative ions, they are naturally generated by tourmaline. It is these negative ions that are one of the main reasons for them are many beneficial effects of the mineral

The naturally produced negative ions put the body in a weakly alkaline state, which is optimal for health.

Health effects - worn on the body, tourmaline is thought to prevent cholesterol coagulation and builds up in the blood vessels. Cells throughout the body are enhanced and immune function is enhanced by tourmaline. It is also thought to cleanse the blood, stimulate the autonomic nervous system, calm stressed nerves, and promote good sleep.

Tourmaline is a mineral that has many special properties and has long been considered health-promoting. Tourmaline is a natural mineral composed of potassium, sodium, magnesium and copper.
Of all the minerals that exist on earth, Tourmaline is unique in that it has a permanent pyroelectric capacity, ie receives an electric charge when heated. The change in temperature means that positive and negative charges move to opposite sides through so-called migration and thus an electric field is established.
Tourmaline has consequently been called the mysterious crystal of polarity. Whether the stone is ground or crushed, it can still transmit current.

The Tormalin stones emit negative ions, which gives a clean and fresh air in the sauna. The weak current that tourmaline generates converts the moisture in the air into negative ions in a completely natural way. Particles in the air are attracted to the negative ions, often called anions, and attach to them. Particles in the air get stuck on these ions and become charged through this. Gradually, more particles have clumped together and when it becomes too heavy, it falls down. The now charged particles end up on the floor or other surfaces that you can dust off. This removes the airborne polluting particles from the air and does not end up in the body via our lung system. * (An ion is an atom or molecule that has an excess or deficit of electrical charge. A negatively charged ion is called anion).
Suppresses electromagnetic fields.
In recent years, tourmaline has been carefully investigated for its potential to counteract the effects of electromagnetic fields, which are thought to be harmful. Researchers suspect that the weak electric current generated by tourmaline attenuates electromagnetic fields in the immediate vicinity.


Positive infrared waves


Positive health effects
Tourmaline also has the unique property of emitting natural radiation in the form of long-wave infrared energy. Water can absorb infrared radiation from an external source. This phenomenon is called resonance absorption. The body easily absorbs the infrared rays. These rays help to dilate the capillaries and thereby improve blood circulation and provide an improved immune system. The body changes to a weakly alkaline state, which gives beneficial effects such as revitalization of the cells, improved metabolism, relief of fatigue, fatigue and pain, etc.

A number of diseases are considered to be derived from unbalanced pH in the body. An incorrect acid base balance affects all functions in the body, e.g. energy production, immune system, nervous system, hormonal system detoxification and stress levels.
What you want to avoid is a too low pH, our lifestyle gives us an excess of acid in our bodies. This excess burdens the body more and more and eventually generates damage to tissues, organs and general condition.
We live and die at the cellular level. Our bodies are made up of about 75 trillion cells. In order for these cells to remain healthy and produce energy, they must live in a weakly alkaline environment (the body fluids).
Leading biochemists and medical physiologists have recognized the balance of acidity and alkalinity as the most important aspect of a physical body. They have long known that maintaining an alkaline pH is critical to cellular health.
The end product of cellular metabolism is acidic metabolic waste something produced by all cells that perform their own respiratory function themselves. Our body system works to make our blood and fluids that surround our cells slightly alkaline.
The process of metabolism, digestion and incineration of food & waste products, these waste products are acidic. Under the best conditions, we get rid of the acidic waste products through breathing, the kidneys, the intestines and the skin.

Even under the best conditions with diets containing alkaline-promoting foods and regular exercise, the acidic waste products accumulate in our bodies.
Air pollution, processed foods, pesticides (pesticides) and too much stress help build waste. Facilitating and creating an environment where the body for support to reach an alkaline state can then effects mentioned above and create health and well-being. We have both infrared heating mattress and infrared body warmers with tourmaline stones.


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  • Yeah I think you should get yourself some black Tourmaline... the thing is with the properties of many crystals especially with Moldivite & this Tourmaline is its only really good if you've pulled it out of the ground yourself because no other hands have touched it...when you purchase in stores, just think of how many other people have added their energy signatres on the crystal itself altering the effects it pushes out,people pick up crysdtals in store, so if you are going to purchase be aware of that..

    I went to the crystal shop in my town here,looking for a piece of Moldivate and one which is a singing one that has direct connection to the crystal caves back on my planet of Maldek, and each one I picked up I actually got flickers of other peoples thoughts, it was so weird,the lady in the shop watched me holding each piece and she was amazed I was telling her what I was seeing in my head,she asked me if I was a psychic,I said well I dont claim to be one,but I know I do have gifts and Im a full empath,she then said to me oh your a Starseed,I can see your aura its beautiful you should be giving readings to people...but this was confusing for me too,the whole shop was a drain on me to be honest, all the crystals were sending out energies lol..

    But because Moldivate holds memories I ve been looking for one...still none sung to me directly at all in the store fact I was feeling rather drained at this stage, I had been suffering from a psychic onset or overload for a while that had been a terrible experience in itself, it made me ever so tired,hense why my boss said time for a vacation no excuses as you well know...

    When I told the lady in this store what I'd been experiencing she then went out the back room and came back with a small pouch and handed it to me,she said in this pouch she had placed two small Selonite and two small Black Tourmaline and she told me to hold it on my solar plexus where I feel the stress...the energy gently lifted as if something pulled the emotions away...

    I started feeling lighter and comforted... It was unexpected and profound. I can't describe the relief right now... Nature has the remedies to everything...we have to meet it halfway and use what she gave us wisely,it was the same on our planet, we bathed in the waters in the crystal caves as a healing remedy, the crystals read our energy for us and thus infused healing essences into the waters, amazing aye...But I'm still searching for my own Moldivite crystal with direct connection to home,.. I know its gonna cost me a lot of money too when I do find it..Tourmaline also has similar properties, its known as 'the Empath crystal' but it dosnt hold memories.. be careful when purchasing any crystals from shops.. cos there are many fake ones out there including this Tourmaline..learn to tell the differences..

    Black Tourmaline Meanings and Crystal Properties - The Crystal Council

  • Very interesting, I know that crystals have healing properties.  Of course never really looked into this and the scientific answers are fancinating. 

    Thanks for the post. 

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