Quietude is a state of calmness, a place of stillness, in which the seeds of love, joy and peace may quietly grow, flourish and blossom.
~ Mary Anne Byrne ~
Every morning was a cheerful invitation to make my life of equal simplicity, and I may say innocence, with Nature herself.
~ Henry David Thoreau ~
~ Art "Woodland Wildflower Dreams" by Amanda Horvath
''We should always present ourselves for who we are.
It is useless to want to look different in order to be better in the eyes of others, remember that no one is perfect; simplicity does not wear masks.''
A flower does not
think of competing
with the flower
next to it.
It just blooms.”
~ Zen Shin
Art: Marney Ward, (BC/Canada)
How old am I ?
I don't know and it doesn't matter.
I am and will always be young enough to dare to take it all over again, when I wake up on a road that goes nowhere.
I will always be the right age to fall in love, to break up and take it from the beginning.
I will always be of the right age to live as a child, to make mistakes, to learn something new, to dream, to wish, to entertain, to change my direction of walking, to make decisions and to change my mind.
I will never be too young to have old friends and never too old to have young friends.
And I will always live the moment, as if I die tomorrow.
I will not defer to be happy and I will not defer to love.
My age ? It has no relevance !
~ Unknown
Art: Aimee Stewart
Great words
May you find moments filled with joy today before this day is over.
A pinch of faith.
A Cup of Hope.
A soul full of courage.
The gift of health.
And a heart full of love.
Let all this be with you not only today, but throughout your life.
A beautiful start of the week, friends!
You too Eva
"Your assumptions are your windows on the world.
Scrub them off every once in a while, or the light won't come in."
- Isaac Asimov
Painting: "A Girl with a Parrot" (circa 1893), by Henry Tonks
''Among all the autumn leaves I can recognize the only one that instead of falling, tried to fly... And I also know how to fall in love with it...''