Auspicious Losar — Tashi Delek! May this year of the wood snake shed the skin of stale negative tendencies, freeing us to enable a positive collective future bringing merit, realization, love and harmony for all. Have confidence that our global recitation of the Seven Vajra Verses can truly make it possible:
“..those graced with good fortune, who with faith
Embrace this prayer, will find that it reveals
A dance of wish-fulfilling nourishment.
For it indeed is able to express
The sutras, tantras: all the Dharma’s teaching. Through this may all behold
Primordial wisdom, self-arisen Lotus King,
At play within the spacelike reaches of their minds.
May I and all who have connections with this prayer
Be taken into Padma’s care for all our lives.
May we receive, reflect, and meditate
Upon the teachings without let or obstacle,
And gain with ease our own and others’ good.
And may the general teachings of the Conqueror,
The yogas of the threefold inner tantras,
Especially the precious teachings of the light of vajra-essence,
Be strongly spread in all the ten directions.
May every being’s joy and wealth of Dharma powerfully increase!”
~ Jamgön Mipham