Fairy Frolic



Fairy Frolic 13515982059?profile=RESIZE_180x180 10099594084?profile=RESIZE_180x180 13515982256?profile=RESIZE_180x180 11758505288?profile=RESIZE_180x180

By a silver fountain,
In a magic hour,
Once I saw a Fairy,
Lovely as a flower;
Rainbow morning-glories
Watched her from above;
Waterlilies peeped beneath,
Just to show their love.

Fast as almond petals
On a windy day,
Little white feet twinkled
In her fairy play;
Little starry white hands,
Frail as snowdrops small,
Tossed a coloured bubble up
For a fairy ball.


Image: "Fairy" (1926), Illustration by Ida Rentoul Outhwaite

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