A Pretty Perch crow in the magnolia tree original watercolor painting by Katherine Jansen | Tree art, Flower artwork, Tree drawing

Chinese bird head Magnolia..known as Yulan Magnolia..

Mother Nature plays a trick on us by making flowers that look exactly like birds..see in the following images little birds befoe opening up..

Yulan magnolias are native to China. They’ve been cultivated in Buddhist temple gardens for nearly 1500 years.

Magnolia and its large, showy, flowers in hues of pink, purple and whites are a delight to behold in the garden as winter turns to spring.

Perfect for brightening an early spring garden Magnolia  makes a magnificent specimen shrub in the lawn or flower border.

Position yours so you can see it from a window as it tends to flower when spring is still chilly. Position snowdrops and primroses beneath for a stunning spring show.

All magnolias prefer moist but well-drained neutral to acidic soils.

If you have alkaline soil this is the best magnolia to use as it will tolerate alkaline conditions.

If your soil is very alkaline or chalky, prepare the planting hole with lots of organic matter and top it up every year to make sure Magnolia  receives the right nutrients.

Magnolia Flower Meaning and Symbolism of All Colors

Did you know that there some fossils have been discovered and they are from the Magnolia flower? This proves that they have been around for at least 100 million years, thus, magnolias are considered as one of the first flowering plants that had ever evolved on Earth.  

It’s truly impressive, especially if you consider that the basic composition of magnolias has not changed at all, so, the magnolia trees and flowers that were created millions of years ago as one of the first flowering plants and were discovered almost hundreds of years ago, have still the same composition as Magnolias of today. 

This characteristic also adds a special layer to magnolias. It is fair to say that all flowering plants have a message that makes them who they are. So, how did magnolias survive all these years?

What’s so special about them? What is the true meaning of this type of flower? Knowing this could lead us to know many more interesting facts about magnolias, but also about ourselves. 

Questions like ‘’Why do you like a certain type of flower?’’ or ‘’What color of the flower do you prefer and what does this say about you?’’ tend to show some answers once you start learning about flower meanings, which is, in this case, about the magnolia flowers.

Lastly, magnolias are beautiful flowers that get a lot of attention. The Magnolia (Magnolia grandiflora) is called southern magnolia in the United States. It was also designated the title of state flower in both Louisiana and Mississippi. You can also find the Korean mountian magnolia (magnolia sieboldii) which is the national flower of North Korea. Keep on reading and find out the real meaning of magnolia flowers and its symbolism.

What Does Magnolia Flower Symbolize?

Because of its resistance, magnolia flowers tend to live for many years. This is why Magnolias symbolize endurance among other qualities. The magnolia species are not delicate flowers, even though they may seem like they are. 

In fact, they are known for adapting to different climates, and they have had to go through a lot, especially if they have lived for millions of years hence the interesting symbolism. Magnolia flower meaning doesn’t end there, however.

Magnolia flower meanings also represent eternity and long life, because they know that once the flowers bloom they will continue to bloom for a long time. 

In addition, magnolia flowers can also be symbols for purity and dignity and they are one of the most frequent flowers to be sent to the parents of a newborn child since both characteristics are associated with a person’s origin and birth. They are also used in bridal bouquets.

What Does Each Color of The Magnolia Mean?

The magnolia petals have many different colors, and each one of them has its unique meaning. They are:

Abundant Blooms of Chinese Magnolia Photograph by Jenny Rainbow | Pixels


Pink magnolias represent the feminine side, and they are often associated to love goddesses such as Aphrodite or Venus. They also bring a sense of welcoming into any house.

16 Types Of Magnolia Trees - Garden Tabs


White magnolias represent the moon, and they are often associated with the lunar goddesses such as Selene or Artemis.

History and breeding of yellow Magnolias | Caerhays Estate


Yellow flowers, like yellow magnolias, represent the sun, and they are often associated with the solar goddess such as Medusa or Sunna.

Magnolia liliiflora - Wikipedia


Purple petals represent royalty and religion, this is why it can be seen throughout religious rituals.

Apart from the meaning of the flower, a magnolia tattoo can also be explained regarding the color that was used for the flower, and these can be the meanings:


It represents innocence and spirituality, so, a magnolia tattoo in this color is trying to send a pure message filled with kindness and innocence. It is also a strong reminder that peace starts with oneself.


It is often associated with friendships, this color truly represents what happiness is all about. Having a yellow magnolia as a tattoo can also mean that you are trying to express your love and affection towards yourself, and others.


This color is connected to love and romance. If the magnolia is pink, it can also become clear that you cherish love and you are also kind to others.


This color symbolizes both passion and romance, and, if it’s combined with magnolias, then you will get an eye-catching sexy and beautiful tattoo. It is a reminder to be loving and to be loved. 


Purple is often used as a way of showing dignity or feelings of spirituality. A magnolia tattoo of this color can also mean that you are a gifted person and you are truly connected to yourself.

What Are the Botanical Meanings of the Magnolia Flower?

Magnolia flowers have been used throughout the centuries in traditional chinese medicine from all parts of the world. Nowadays, magnolias are also used in modern medicine, either in the form of powders or pills. Magnolias have also been associated with congestion in the chest, menstrual cramps, lung problems, or even digestive issues.

What Is The Meaning of The Name Magnolia?

Etymological speaking, the name Magnolia comes from the French botanist who discovered that plants belonged to families, and his name was Pierre Magnol (1638-1715). 

How Long Will Magnolia Flowers Last?

Magnolia blooms usually last for two weeks in spring before they start to fall off. However, it will all depend on the type of climate they are in. On the other hand, Magnolia trees can last centuries. 

What Does The Name Magnolia Mean For a Girl?

Magnolia is not a popular name but it is definitely a gorgeous name. It can mean dignity, spirituality, and peace. The Magnolia tree is very strong, thus, the strength of the character is often associated with this name.  It’s one of the common flower names for girls.

What Does the Magnolia Flower Symbolize in the Feng Shui?

Magnolia flowers are associated with the Yin, which is also the feminine side. Also, when a Magnolia tree is outside a house, this means that it’s attracting pleasant, calm, and restful energy inside the owner’s home. However, if the tree is planted in the backyard, then it means that wealth is gradually coming your way.


In today’s world, Magnolias are very popular because of their fragrance, petals, and even trees, which are hard to miss. Magnolias also have useful benefits so a person can take advantage of them and implement these flowers in their everyday lives. 

However, when it comes to the large flowers, what attracts people the most about Magnolias is their meaning, because these flowers represent a wide range of things. The magnolia flowers have a plethora of positive symbols associated with them and this makes them a special and meaningful flower.

Magnolia denudata - Wikipedia 

Regarded as a symbol of purity, they were planted around the emperor’s palace during the Tang Dynasty. 

The delicate pink, citrus-scented flowers bloom in the spring, and just before their petals open up they look exactly like birds!

From the painted black eyes to the yellow beaks, to petals that look like wings, you’d swear you were looking at a real bird from a certain distance.

 Mother Nature must have a great sense of humor, and is also a great artist!

Interesting Meaning and Symbolism of Magnolia Flower and Tattoo | Florgeous

Meet bird-shaped Magnolia flowers - CGTN

Yulan Magnolia Flowers Look Like Beautiful Birds - The Animal Rescue Site News


Is it a Bird? Or is it a flower? Magnolia flocks bloom in the Beijing spring

Meet bird-shaped Magnolia flowers - CGTN

Yulan Magnolias Look So Much Like Birds You Won't Believe They're Flowers


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