
Shanti Herrington

There is no part of "you" or "me" that is not also a part of the Cosmos, an expression of Universal Creativity. We are ALL part of the Regenerative mosaic of Life, the interplay of earth, water, fire and air...

Every atom of your body flows into you from outside of "you." We are each a unique creative expression of Nature & the Universe. There is no "other."

The great sickness of modern civilization is living in ignorance of this Truth, thinking we are somehow separate from Nature and the Great Mystery that generates these magical fields of space and time.

Humans have the power to dominate, enslave and abandon each other, yet Nature has never dominated, enslaved or abandoned us. The Earth has never asked us for anything. She just gives and gives and gives and gives...

To live in forgetfulness of this TRUTH is to live in ignorance. And out of this ignorance we sow the seeds of our own destruction. We have forgotten that we need the waters, forests and living landscapes of Nature to be healthy, to thrive, but she does not need us.

From the structure of our mothers's wombs to the design of our cells, hearts and lungs, Mother Earth gives us life, nurtures us with each breath. She is in truth our deepest identity, our closest relation, true community, our only home...

~ Christopher Chase

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