


You should know that the divine help for beings is uninterrupted. If it diminishes, it is because of the one who receives help and not because of the one who helps. If the absence of help in a particular situation is attributed to the Most High, then this absence of help is a blessing for the person from whom it is withheld. For Allah knows the interests of His creatures best. Therefore, those who know Allah should not specify a particular need when praying.Instead, he should ask for what is good for him without specifying it. There are many people who ask for something specific in their prayers, and then when their need is fulfilled - out of a wisdom known to Allah - they regret the need they had mentioned and wish they had not mentioned it. Help is a relief (inhalation) that comes from our merciful Lord. Divine help in beings is a natural and increasing thing. What is natural is what is necessary for the existence of the being and the removal of a pain in it. The rest is what is added and is not really needed.


Muhyiddin ibn' Arabi (q.s)
Futuhat al Makkiyah
Volume 9 / Page 183

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