Apocalypse Tapestry - Angers | Destination Angers - Tourist Office


The Apocalypse Tapestry

The Château d’Angers houses a major masterpiece of the mediaeval era, namely the Apocalypse Tapestry. It consists of six sections, each divided into seven tableaux.

The Apocalypse Tapestry, crafted in Paris between 1377 and 1382, is a stunning masterpiece that illustrates the story of the Apocalypse as described in the Book of Revelation by St. John the Divine. The tapestry is composed of six panels, each brimming with vibrant imagery, depicting a total of 90 scenes. Measuring a staggering 6 meters in height and 140 meters in length, the tapestry is truly a sight to behold.




A work that represents the Apocalypse from the Book of Revelation by Saint John

It was at the request of the Duke Louis I of Anjou that Nicolas Bataille, the famous 14th century tapestry merchant commissioned the monumental work from 35 weavers. Their work can still be admired today. The original patterns that were used in the making of tapestries were designed by Hennequin de Bruges, who was the official painter at the court of King Charles V at the time. Seven long years were needed to complete the tapestry.

The Apocalypse Tapestry is inspired by the last book of the Bible and depicts the various symbols presented by Saint John. Two of the original six panels are now complete. Originally, the total area of this impressive work was 850 m². Nearly 100 m of the original 150 m are now displayed to the public after an extensive campaign of restoration.

Apocalypse Tapestry (Part 1) - Angers - France - YouTube

The Apocalypse Tapestry: a miracle of history

In order to contemplate and enjoy the beauty of the Apocalypse Tapestry, you will need to drive just over 30 km from the Château des Briottières. On site, you can enjoy a historical treasure which was nearly lost in the mists of time. The sections suffered from being moved around, linked to a lack of care and damage which nearly lead to the disappearance of this masterpiece.

In the late 50s, a new gallery was created whilst the château itself was restored. Nevertheless, the original bay window was detrimental to the colours because the sun directly attacks the pigment. In 1998, the gallery was darkened and the temperature was maintained at 19 °C.

A visit to the 100m of the Apocalypse Tapestry is an edifying cultural experience. The half-light combined with the numerous symbolic characters in the successive tableaux awaken profound feelings of paradox in visitors. We can admire it as a work of art but those feelings are mixed with mystical impressions provided by the legendary creatures which are represented, including the Eagle of Misfortune, the Sea Monster and the Dragon…


Dragons, Death, Destruction — it's The Apocalypse Tapestry at the Chateau  d'Angers | Nothing Too Trivial







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