My Water Colour Paintings & Pencil Works

My Water Colour Paintings & Pencil Works Over The Years..



©2009Portfolio - Wild flowers -Water colour 

Bold Mixed Color Italian Anemone Bulbs for Sale | Levante Mix – Easy To Grow Bulbs


©2009Bird Of Paradise - Water Colour

Bird of Paradise | C&J Gardening Center

Image sourced from Google search




©2009Group Of Shells - Water Colour


©2009NZ Native Morepork Owl - Water Colour

50+ New Zealand Owl Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock

Image sourced by google search


©2009Lillies - Water Colour


©2010 Iceland Poppies - Water Colour

Poppy Seeds - Iceland Poppy | Suttons

Image sourced by google search


©2020 Lake Taupo, New Zealand - Water Colour


©2017 Drive Way In Autumn,Christchurch,New Zealand - Water Colour

autumn queenstown speargrass flat12225012478?profile=RESIZE_710x

© 2020 Desert Road, Mt Tongariro, New Zealand - Water Colour

Tongariro Crossing - New Zealand | Cultured Kiwi

Image above sourced from google search


©2022 Dusky Sound Region South Island,New Zealand -Water Colour

Dusky Track | The Hiking Life

Image above sourced from Google search


My Pencil Sketchs 




©2019 Father Jack Look-a-like aka Tony...


Inspired by one of my clients and the TV series 'Father Ted' - 'Father Jack' look-a-like aka 87yr old Tony,[ his permission is given to share photo] , I spend many hours with this guy,hes still alive hes now 89yrs,born in England and was a ships cook back in the 1950's & claimed hes almost traveled the world, even through  Panama & the Suez Canal, he told me he even went up the Nile once and recalls standing on the deck witnessing the great wonder of the world the Pyramids of Gaiza, passed by ever so slowly as the sun set behind them, it was the best visuals hes seen in his entire life it was surreal to him.. he just didn't realise just how large they really were....

Also he recalled having one  encounter with pirates in the Caribbean, he said the Captain of the ship handed over a crate of Brandy to get past them, he said the crew wernt impressed however as they lost their precious nightly booze,for hot toddies....there was no thought about their lives being taken though lol..I tell yah I find them..he kept me captivated for days.. so he had loads of tales to tell, we'd laugh a lot,he loved the TV programme Father Ted and I told him he reminded me of Father Jack,he couldn't see it himself so I told him I'd draw him and show him the comparison, he loved it,said now can I have a drink of beer!...

My sketching work is mediocre where being an artist is concerned, there is no definition placed on art,it just is what it is to me and me only... outward expression or perception of the depth within ones soul placed onto paper in what ever media one chooses to project,and one has preference to subjects or types of format used to project it, be that pencil sketching,acrylic paints,oil paints, water colour paints,charcoal,pastel,metals,dusts,materials,clay's,glues etc and so on..what ever is part of ones expression outwards & works..

l left this un-finished on purpose its part of its visual aspect..


Father Jack from Tv series 'Father Ted' 


The Wounded New Zealand Native Wax Eye aka Silver Eye

Wax eyes would play in my fushia bush,every day catching midges and my cat Orik found them, and he caught & hurt one,all around its nose... but I got it off him fast & put it in a cardboard box over night, I half expected it to die of shock over night, but thought least if it did I felt I'd given it a warm place to pass away in peace...surprised next morning it was lively as..

So I put some Maori kumarahou healing ointment on its wounds & placed it in my aviary with my doves & nursed it back to health over a few weeks.. then released it when it was better, but while I had it I was then inspired to draw them in the tree outside my window..working off these photo's I took of it below in my aviary..







©2019 Wax eyes in Fushia Bush - Pencil Sketch


Raven Leads My Way Again.. 

Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən ღ


© - All Right Reserved

Silvereye or wax-eye/tauhou: Land birds: Native animals

Image sourced Google search



Clann - Arise 


Artist - Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən ღ

©- All Right Reserved


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