art (22)


"Shared Treasure"



Many of you may know that I frequently use family as models for my paintings. "Shared Treasure" depicts Bob's beautiful daughters Mandy and Michelle!

We've just had the loveliest visit with our first great-grandchild, whom we'd previously only 'me

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Hello all, it was suggested by a friend that I should paint a self portrait. At first I thought no - but after thinking about it for a while, I came round to the idea. I decided to surround myself, and be painting all my favourite things. The titl

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"Magic Moment"



Birthday flashback to my previous life as a fairy 10466502288?profile=RESIZE_180x180 10466502065?profile=RESIZE_180x180 ...surrounded by some of my favourite things: Bob, morning glories and wisteria.

This painting may be new to some of you as it hasn't been used much; it is from 2008 and I named it "Magic Moment.

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