
Angel Statues at Cemeteries

Divine Angels

9987997271?profile=RESIZE_584xAngels are common themes in cemeteries as they reference an afterlife as well as to protection.


Watchful Angel

9987999287?profile=RESIZE_584xThis angel gently keeps watch upon the grave of the deceased, providing mourners with the idea that the departed loved one isn't left alone at the cemetery. A watchful angel symbolizes protection from Heaven for the deceased.


Guiding the Way

9988000465?profile=RESIZE_584xThis relief features angels escorting a baby into the afterlife. Angel statues in which they carry the departed are meant to symbolize protection on the journey. The idea of an angel carrying a baby to Heaven can provide a little solace to grieving parents and loved ones.


Angel With Flowers

9988001295?profile=RESIZE_584xFlowers held by an angel in a statue symbolize purity and innocence. They could also be indicative of the flowers traditionally placed on the graves of loved ones, a practice that is thousands of years old and began in Ancient Greece in which mourners believed the flowers would take root and the departed would send a message via the blossomed flowers of contentment in the afterlife.


Angel With Crossed Arms

9988002680?profile=RESIZE_584xCrossed arms on an angel statue represent reverence. This was actually a posture of reverence long before it became body language indicative of being closed off from conversation and interactions. An angel statue in this position is displaying reverence toward God and the grief of mourners.


Angel With Star 

9988007098?profile=RESIZE_584xThis angel statue points toward Heaven as if to indicate the deceased's destination. The star on the top of the angel's head is thought to symbolize the Angel of Death, who has the job of ushering souls into the afterlife.

Angel statues, in addition to headstones, augments the grave site and makes it a place where reflection and mourning can occur. Fo some mourners, angels serve as reminders of an afterlife and hope that they will one day again see their loved one.


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