Herbs and Herbal Magick

Herbs and Herbal Magick


Drying Herbs:

Often magickal spells and home-remedies alike require the use of dried herbs.While you can purchase them conveniently in most grocery stores in a reasonable selection, drying your own herbs can be a satisfying practice, as well as an assurance of the purity and/or organic origin of the individual herb.13156893896?profile=RESIZE_400x
One method of drying herbs is to hang them upside down, using a rubber band to bind theBranches in a hot, dry place, that receives no or only very little light. If your area has highHumidity, keep the bunches small, to keep them from mildewing.As soon as the leaves are fully dry, but before they become brittle, strip them to the stems. Store the leavesImmediately in airtight containers to preserve their strength.
Another way to dry them is in a food dehydrator, on its lowest setting. If you use a dehydrator for Food preparation as well as herbal preparation, I recommend to use one dehydrator that is used For herbs and foods meant for ingestion, and one for magickal herbs, as some of the herbs used inMagickal practices are poisonous, or can create allergic reactions in some people. Again, store the leaves immediately.
Once you have a variety of herbs, you are ready to create beautiful magick and embrace healing Techniques, that are very potent and effective.

Here is a quick recipe for “Headache Pills”

Combine equal parts of the following:







Blend the above with honey to bind - just enough to make them sticky, and pliable enough to form small pill-size balls. Dry them in a low setting dehydrator, and store in a tightly sealed container.

Take as needed

As with all herbs, used for either magick or healing - keep potential allergic reaction in mind. Never give herbal medicine to young children unless specifically told by a medical professional.

Blessed Be

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  • Creator

    Anti-Bloating Tea

    1/4 cup Caraway Seeds
    1/4 cup Fennelseeds
    1/4 cup Peppermint leaves
    1/4 cup Chamomile flowers

    Create a mixture of the above ingredients, and keep in a cool, and dry place.

    To make a cup of tea:
    Add 1 to 2 teaspoons of the above mix into a cup, and fill the cup with boiling hot water.
    Allow to steep for about 10 minutes, then strain. Drink this tea warm, preferably after you have eaten.


    Fennel in general is a good herb to use to aid any digestive problems, and is given as tea to small children and infants in some parts of Europe on a regular basis, to treat colic. It also aids coughs, and slightly sweetend is a pleasant alternative to the strong cough medicines.

    Magickal properties are:
    Healing, Protection and Purification.
    This herb is considered male and associated with the deity of Dionysus, where this herb was used in ceremonies honoring him.

    Added to sachets, and healing mixtures, as well as incorporating it withing purification and healing spells is another way to use this pleasant herb.

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