Featured Photos by Photographer Carol Elizabeth Cox

Featured Photos by Photographer Carol Elizabeth Cox


12224026466?profile=RESIZE_710xRed-winged Blackbird

12224026498?profile=RESIZE_710xCommon Gallinule

12224026891?profile=RESIZE_710xKilldeer singing

12224027090?profile=RESIZE_710xRuby-eyed Anhinga

12224027495?profile=RESIZE_710xImmature Little Blue Heron

12224028077?profile=RESIZE_710xAnother juvenile Little Blue Heron trying and ultimately failing to catch a frog. Go froggy!

12227284491?profile=RESIZE_710xDanger in the marsh

12227290462?profile=RESIZE_710xGlossy Ibis looking a little less glossy than usual

12227291694?profile=RESIZE_710x Great Egret coming in for a landing #1

12227292668?profile=RESIZE_710x Great Egret coming in for a landing #2

12227292099?profile=RESIZE_710x Glossy Ibis

12227293661?profile=RESIZE_710xWalk this way

12227293475?profile=RESIZE_710xGreat Blue Heron

12227293868?profile=RESIZE_710xYoung Common Gallinule

12227294455?profile=RESIZE_710xAnhinga drying his wings


I will add more photos over time here !!!

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