
Saga Dawa is still on!



Saga Dawa is still on! Please continue to be mentally aware, and cut off harmful thoughts, words, and actions at the pass. Try as much as you can to help others, even little things. Remember that the consequences of our actions are exponentially increased during the month of Saga Dawa, due to the power of Shakyamuni having been born, enlightened, and entering parinirvana during this month 2600 years ago. Also, relax. Too much anxiety and stress are counterproductive. Take breaks, walks in the park, and deep breaths. See Altruism in Medicine Institute website YouTube channel for 9-round breathing instruction. Be happy! Emaho!

~ Barry Kerzin

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  • Creator

    Saga Dawa is celebrated on May 23rd, 2024 at Mt. Kailash. This is a special moment to be there. As we do every year, we are organizing our most special trip for this big celebration, starting on May 13th. We do Kora during that time because its meaning for us. We celebrate birth, death and enlightment of Buddha and we all tibetans want to do Kora for a better next life. There will be lots of pilgrims.

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