Twin Flame Reunion


A twin flame is the other half of your soul — a person who, like a mirror, reflects your inner self. A twin flame reunion occurs when one of the two halves has a spiritual awakening, and both have gone through the karmic experiences required to discover each other.

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  • 10945073489?profile=RESIZE_930x

  • One should never confuse a twin flame union with a twin soul.. they are two totally different things according to my soul septer guardians..a twin flame is a split soul/ over soul, every soul has more than one we actually have 6 twin flames & 6 soul mates or twin souls,..its a fluidict state and the dynamics of this one has to think of the Flower of Life,

    Flower of Life Mandala - Mandalas For The Soul

    now look at the center circle. You will notice is had 6 petals and a smaller circle with in it all interconnecting etc.. The over all circle for the 6 souls is the Over Soul for this group also, while you have 6 soul mates (3male/3female) all in a Twin Flame Bond.

    So you have the trinity all over again, with each of these pairings. 2 twin flames bonds, 2 twin flames..., 2 twin flames... All with in this one Over Soul. Each Twin Flame is a trinity in it self, on another level. Now that smaller center circle is the anchor point for this Over Souls group of 6. This Anchor is an important thing.
    But now look at the other Over Soul Circles that connect too the one in the Center. Each Petal is another soulmate, again following the 3 males & 3 female pairing. Yet between each pairing you have another soulmate that you still have a level of connection with.
    so when its split in the cosmos before incarnation into human form as it is a agreed contract between each soul spark into creation.. with the very reasons to experience both sides of the cosmic coin one could say, in this realty as a human experience...ones being female the others being male...never will a twin flame be parted from each other soul/oversoul aspect of itself even via any distance, even if having different lives & experiences fully.. they can still be felt,there is heaps more to this but it wont fit in the comment section so I wil add later to a discussion post cos it is confusing......

    where as a twin soul as people put it is a person with whom one has a feeling of deep or natural affinity. This may involve similarity, love, romance, platonic relationships, comfort, intimacy, sexuality, sexual activity, spirituality, compatibility and trust..

    If youve ever met your twin flame oversoul its totally mind boggling and hard to handle the chemistry between you both... my twin flame has parted this earth plane however even sends me etherical tender touch of sweet abandonment penetrating deep into every nerve to my very core.those soft kisses to my lips while I'm sleeping..they come with a love that really only resides in a world of dreams and poetic metaphor.






    • Nice video, as well as your explanation. Thankful.

      • Sadly the video got put to private so had to delete it..I'll find another to replace it.

  • Love that photo Margarida so adding it to my files...its Raven magic..


    Luz nos Momentos: Como encontrar minha Alma Gêmea?

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Twin Souls reunited

What's the most important starting point for a twin soul reunion? How do we prepare ourselves for it? It begins with the desire to love yourself and others ...

"Your twin flame is your mirror. When you heal, they simultaneously heal. This is one of the signs of a true twin flame connection.”

“When you find your twin flame you also find your freedom, for there is nothing more exhilarating, wild, and free than absolute soul love.”