A Mans LoVe

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    “What if our religion was each other? If our practice was our life? What if the temple was the Earth? If forests were our church? If holy water - the rivers, lakes, and oceans? What if meditation was our relationships? If the Teacher was life? If wisdom was knowledge? If love was the center of our being.”
    ― Ganga White

    About the image, if you know the photographer or source please let us know. Some believe this was AI generated. It might be, I don't know. But even if it is, hope that won't distract you from the deeper meaning (and beauty) being communicated both by this image and quote from Ganga White. We are part of ONE Earth Family, a Sacred Community. If A.I. can play *any* role in helping humanity wake up to that, I would be thankful. ~ Eva (admin)

    • Yes..Well I'm one who thinks who cares who took the photo or if it is AI even, it dosnt matter does it,...but it is AI created as Giraffe have whats called ossicones, which are bony protrusions on their heads that are sometimes called "horns" and they are missing on this photo, yet the photo itself is beautiful & speaks by itself to get a point across.. truth be known is the wildlife game park wardens work hard to take care of these beautiful animals in Kenya, Africa & protect them from evil hunters & poachers regardless.just because they care for their lives & their welfare in their eco stsyem..Poaching & trophy hunting is not slowing down, and it’s entirely possible, even likely, that if the current trajectory of killing continues, elephants, rhinos, Girraffe along with a host of lesser known plains animals will be functionally extinct in our lifetime if it dosnt stop..so hats off to all the Wardens..as its not a easy job...




      RUKO Driving Rothschild giraffe conservation in Baringo County



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