
On the Wings of Isis



O Great Mother
Blessed Isis
You who found the lost
pieces of your beloved
You who made whole again
that which you adored,
hear the cries of your
descendants, your
daughters and sons.

Hear the cries of our
waters and lands,
flowers and trees
and the animals.
We have become
dismembered parts,
Death wraiths walking.

Blessed Isis
Powerful Ancestral Creatrix
We call you to work your
magic upon us, reconnecting
that which is precious,
that which is beautiful,
that which is essential,
that which is dying.

We implore you to protect
the very existence of
All that exists at this time,
for Set walks among us still
all that is Good
all that is Sacred
piece by piece by piece

O Great Mother
Blessed Isis
Queen of the All
Queen of Magic
Work this mystery upon us now,
gather the pieces of what's left,
there's not much and soon
there will be nothing.

Great Mother
Blessed Isis
Queen of the All
We are dead and dying
as we call out your name
imploring you to find us,
collecting our disparate parts.

O Great Mother
Protectress of the Dead and Dying
Death Crone
Breathe life back into us
before it's too late.

Great and Powerful Isis
We are your beloved Osiris
and our time is running out.
Set grows stronger as families
are torn apart, children starving
and dying, raped and sold, while
fire rage and destroy the land,
contaminating the waters, stopping
their flow as billions of animals die
and others go extinct.

Set is chopping it... us...
into pieces and your beloveds,
especially your daughters -
for Set's minions target them
and the land the most -
are raped, tortured and murdered
and will be no more.

Great Cosmic Mother
You who carry the power of alchemy
breathe life back into all that is dying.
You who create life from death and
wear the ankh – symbol of immortal life -
teacher of women and women's ways -
You who are the sun and moon, earth and stars
shelter us in your great wings as you
reweave a new world, a new way of being.

I call You forth by your names!

Auset Isis!

Great Mother!
Sovereign Queen!

Witch of the Night!

Keeper of Magic!

Goddess and Crone of the
Mysteries of Life and Death!


Thou Who is All that has been,
Is and Shall be!

Thou most Holy!

Powerful Auset Isis
I call you forth as Reckoner
to hold accountable those
responsible for the desecration
of all that is sacred and holy,
beautiful and life-giving.

O Great Queen
I call you forth to restore
the Sovereignty of your
daughters, your sons, the
Sovereignty of the Land.

Powerful and Most Holy Isis
We are your beloved Osiris
and our time is running out.

Hear My...

Before it's too late.

Duwa Auset, Duwa*


*Duwa Auset, Duwa – Thou are Goddess the most High (Khemetic)

Hear Our Cries: An Invocation by Arlene Bailey, ©2020

Great Cosmic Mother by Arlene Bailey

Painting and Invocation featured in our anthology, On the Wings of Isis: Reclaiming the Sovereignty of Auset


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