poetry (28)

Again (Poem)


I’ve found myself thinking “I couldn’t go through this again.”

But when I think about it -
I mean, really think about it –
that’s not true.

If I had my time again…

I would know you again.

I would love you again.

And if that meant I would lose you again,

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Letters from Life



I love listening to the rain pitter pattering on the hood of my coat.
I love watching storms dance around the sky from behind a window.
I love feeling the warmth of the sun when I’m sitting in the shade.
And I love hearing the waves crash against th

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~ The Garden in September ~



~ The Garden in September ~


“I’ve come to love September almost as much as May.

It’s a month of gentle transition, bidding farewell to summer and ushering in autumn.

September is famously soft, rich and characterful, like a fine wine or well-crafted c

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"Black Cherries" by W.S. Merwin



Late in May as the light lengthens
toward summer the young goldfinches
flutter down through the day for the first time
to find themselves among fallen petals
cradling their day’s colors in the day’s shadows
of the garden beside the old house

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"A bit of earth"


“A bit of earth,
She wants a little bit of earth.
She'll plant some seeds.
The seeds will grow,
The flowers bloom
Their beauty just the thing she needs.

A bit of earth,
A drop of dew,
A bit of earth
A single stem begins to rise.

That bit of earth

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Sleeping in the Forest


Sleeping in the Forest
— Mary Oliver


I thought the earth
remembered me, she
took me back so tenderly, arranging
her dark skirts, her pockets
full of lichens and seeds. I slept
as never before, a stone
on the riverbed, nothing
between me and the white

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The Fairy Shepherd



The Fairy Shepherd
by Cicely Fox Smith


When stars come gleaming one by one,
And fold and farm are still,
O I go out to keep the sheep
All night upon the hill.
My master deems me chill and cold
When he lies warm in bed,

But I run leaping with my flock,
And l

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by Adelaide Crapsey

Art by Alla Tsank

Fugitive, wistful,
Pausing at edge of her going,
Autumn the maiden turns,
Leans to the earth with ineffable
Gesture. Ah, more than
Spring's skies her skies shine
Tender, and frailer
Bloom than plum-bloom or alm

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The Wind And The Leaves



The Wind And The Leaves
by George Cooper

Art by Maja Lindberg

"Come, little leaves," said the wind one day.
"Come o'er the meadows with me, and play'
Put on your dress of red and gold,—
Summer is gone, and the days grow cold."

Soon as the leaves h

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~ Free ~

11147358481?profile=RESIZE_584x"Beautiful Girl Walking through the Field, a Flower in His Hand" by Henri Martin, (1889)



~ Free ~


The tree does not say to the rock,
"You are unworthy"

The moon to the ocean: "You are wrong.
you should not be."

The wind does not judge the fire

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Dear Mama Earth

11134225079?profile=RESIZE_584x"Dreaming of Pomegranates" by Felice Casorati (1913)



Dear Mama Earth

I am tired.
Like your are
Weary to my chalk-earth bones

Mama Earth
I look for you, I have my whole life
Without knowing what for. Why.
Though as a child
I was closer.

I somehow

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For World Bee Day




~ For World Bee Day ~


“Hush now.
The wounds run deep,
but the bees
are full of knowing.

They know the hive
of your heart,
each crooked curled chamber
each hopefully hidden curve,
each darkened holding cell.

They have come
with wings
and song

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How are you?




“What time will you get in tonight?
Text me when you’re home
Be careful if you’re driving
Or if you’re out alone

Shout me if you need me
Or call me anytime
Hey, remember when we did that thing
And laughed until we cried?

Take a coat, it’s rainin

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The Cure For It All




The Cure For It All

Go gently today, don’t hurry
or think about the next thing. Walk
with the quiet trees, can you believe
how brave they are—how kind? Model your life
after theirs. Blow kisses
at yourself in the mirror

especially when
you think you

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