

“To be detached from the world, (in the sense that Buddhist and Taoists and Hindus often talk about detachment), does not mean to be non-participative. By that I don't mean that you just go through doing everything mechanically and have your thoughts elsewhere. I mean a complete participation, but still detached.

And the difference between the two attitudes is this..

On the one hand, there is a way of being so anxious about physical pleasure, so afraid that you won't make it, that you grab it too hard..that you just have to have that thing, and if you do that, you destroy it completely.. and therefore after every attempt to get it, you feel disappointed, you feel empty, you feel something was lost..and so you want it again, you have to keep repeating, repeating, repeating, repeating..because you never really got that. And it is this that's the hang up, this is what is meant by attachment to this world...

But on the other hand, pleasure in its fullness cannot be experienced, when one is grasping it..

I knew a little girl to whom someone gave a bunny rabbit. She was so delighted with the bunny rabbit and so afraid of losing it, that taking it home in the car, she squeezed it to death with love. And lots of parents do that to their children. And lots of spouses do it to each other. They hold on too hard, and so take the life out of this transient, beautifully fragile thing that life is.

To have it, to have life, and to have its pleasure, you must at the same time let go of it.”


― Alan Watts

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  • reminds me of :

    « He who binds to himself a joy

    Does the winged life destroy;

    But he who kisses the joy as it flies

    Lives in eternity's sunrise. »

    ― William Blake

    the cycle of detachment ends with detachment from detachment, and detachment from the idea of detachment… when there's no more concern regarding possible hurt from disappointement and loss, then true engagement can take place…

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