Tuning into Crystal Consciousness

Tuning into Crystal Consciousness

An excellent way to tune into crystal consciousness is through the famous crystal skulls. Some of these skulls are life size and made out of a variety of quartz. The masterpieces that were made during Atlantean times contain a lot of knowledge that is accessible. Information has been accessed primarily by psychics who have tuned into the psychic energies of the skulls. Much more information could be obtained by a person who is capable of tuning into crystal consciousness because this is the level on which the crystal skulls really operate. The masterpieces were made by beings, not always human and not always on this planet, who were able to function on the level of crystal consciousness. They used technology unknown to present mankind. The crystal skulls are fascinating objects. Read "Mysteries of the Crystal Skulls Revealed" by Sandra Bowen, F. R. Nick Nocerino and Joshua Shapiro, or go to their web site.

The symbol of the crystal is used in the practice of Dzogchen. Dzogchen, or The Great Perfection, is the essence of all spiritual practices in Tibet. In Dzogchen one exercises the mind to become clear and find one’s own inner essence. This clear state of mind denotes the fundamental ground of existence, both at the universal level and at the individual level, the two being essentially the same. To realize one is to realize the other. Crystal consciousness is in every being, organic and inorganic, and cannot be destroyed, although awareness of this state is lost when one enters the realms of dualism. The crystal is used as a symbol to demonstrate the illusion of the separateness that exists in dualism, where a being experiences itself as a closed off self separate from a world "out there". When the sunlight falls on a crystal, it is reflected and refracted by it, causing the appearance of rays and patterns of spectral colors. They seem to be separate from the crystal, yet they are functions derived from its own characteristic nature. In the same way an individual’s own energy is perceived by his own senses as a world of apparently external phenomena. There is no external world, or separate energies or objects. Our senses perceive duality, but on the most fundamental level only unity exists. The crystal ball is used as a symbol to demonstrate that even images experienced internally, in the mind, are just reflections of energies manifesting themselves as seemingly real objects. An object placed near a crystal ball will appear inside the ball as an image that seems to be a real object, however it is the individual’s own energy being reflected. When the crystal ball is placed on a red cloth, it seems to be red, when it is placed on a green cloth, it seems to be green. The crystal ball itself does not have any color. Therefore, you need to transform its impure vision into pure vision, by the power of concentration. Then you become aware that your experiences, both around and within yourself, are only reflections of your true nature. You need to see yourself as the colorless crystal ball, in essence and nature always pure and unaltered by the ever-flowing energies of the dualistic world.

To attain this level, you need to relax the mind and feel your own true essence as much as possible. Clarity and purity of mind need to be exercised not only during your meditation hours, but also during the rest of the day. It is not as simple as it looks. We all are accustomed to reacting to everything in life with emotions that sweep us away from our center. We constantly think about a million things, what we did yesterday, what we should have done, what we are going to do, what others should do. We are never in the present moment. In crystal consciousness, with clarity of mind, only the true self can be found in the here and now, in the present. Therefore, be aware of what is going on in the present. Emotions and thoughts are fine if they are experienced in the moment, for what they are, at the same remaining constantly in your center. Relaxation is the key here. When one is truly relaxed, the mind itself shifts to its natural condition. It is a delicate yet natural exercise, the presence of your natural state is maintained without attempting to fix it to any conceptual framework or hopes for it to manifest in any form. It has become so difficult to just relax and be your true self because you are used to doing things in a particular way. Practice will show you the way. Just relax in an undisturbed condition. In the beginning your clear state of mind might only last a moment. Do not worry about it. All the great masters started just as you did. All that is necessary is that you maintain pure presence of mind without falling into the dualistic situation where there is an observing subject perceiving an observed object. It is all about maintaining present awareness without being distracted by your environment. "The Crystal and the Way of Light" by Namkhai Norbu is a marvelous book to guide you in a clear and direct way in the teachings of Dzogchen.


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