
What if, we started from there.

10033504676?profile=RESIZE_584xart | Holly Sierra


What if the desire to lose weight is really an unconscious wish to shed the weight of disconnection? To be freed of the layers with which we protect our deeper selves?

What if the weight, built over time, is instead an act of unconscious defiance? ...against a superficial society that cannot see the person, the soul, or who we truly are - only shallow outer-markers such as size?

What if the craving that drives it is in fact, the soul's silent yet persistent hunger for something truly sustaining? For connection to the richness of life and fullness of Mother Earth. A craving for engagement with our host planet, with one another, with something that consuming the hollow-fads of an empty society, will never fill?

What if? ... that by just starving or restricting ourselves more and more - from food, from calories, from love of self, and punishing our bodies for wanting it - we only miss the soul's deeper call entirely? then wonder why even after we have achieved the "perfect " size, it can seem so hard to hold onto, as the craving never ends?

Could we, through it all, Remember we are connected in soul to something of infinite abundance? Could we, when we look in the mirror, see ourSelves and not only the lack of it? Or the too much covering over of it?

Could we come from a different place... where in love we nourish, and connect, and see the whole. And in such nurturing, in such true sustainance, engage in a deeper beauty, in a deeper love and nourishment- with life and its rich offerings. ... and know, in such consciousness, we are already full.

What if, we started from there.


~ Rachel Alana (R.A Falconer)


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