

Women are the heart and spine of a pulsating earth at the center of the universe.

We are the mothers, the grandmothers, the great-grandmothers, the creative minds in a universe which often fails to see the contributions we make.
We are the homemakers, the nurturers, the artisans of the magical weave which blankets all of life.
We are the cooks, the maids, the CEO's the entrepreneurs, the poets, the dancers, the singers, the song.

We nurse the babies and teach them to stand, to walk and to flourish.
We are the listening ear, the wisdom bearers, the backbone to the family.

We are the shoulders of countless men who long for comfort, support or just a dose of tenderness.
We are the goddesses who in the blink of an eye can captivate with a smile or a touch.
We are the warriors who attempt to bring reason in a society often run by angry men.
We are the inspiration, the strength, the fortitude when others are waning.
We are the whispers in the wind who pray for those we love and many we don't.
We are nurses and caretakers who kiss the wounds and heal the hurts, who parent the parents when their time in the sun is setting.
We are the inventors, the bridge to what is yet to come.
We are the roots which flourish even in a drought.
We light the world with love and feed those who hunger and thirst for nourishment.
Women are spinners and weavers; we are the ones who spin the threads and weave them into meaning and pattern.
We create those threads out of our own substance, pulling the strong, fine fibers out of our own hearts and wombs.

It’s time to make some new threads... time to strengthen the frayed wild edges of our own being and then weave ourselves back into the fabric of our culture.
Once we know the patterns for weaving the world; we can piece them together again.
Women can heal and remake the world.

This is what women do.

We are women, beautiful, bold, bodacious, bombastic, bawdy, brilliant and bountiful in our resilience.
We are the vine which bears the fruit and seeds all of earth, the light which ignites the universe.

Happy International Women's Day, to all of you wondrous women !

Much love and respect for you all.... on this day and every day.

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Art : Mundo de Arin

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