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Who knows where the time goes



"Across the evening sky, all the birds are leaving
But how can they know it's time for them to go?
Before the winter fire, I will still be dreaming
I have no thought of time

For who knows where the time goes?
Who knows where the time goes?

Sad, deserted s

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~ The Garden in September ~



~ The Garden in September ~


“I’ve come to love September almost as much as May.

It’s a month of gentle transition, bidding farewell to summer and ushering in autumn.

September is famously soft, rich and characterful, like a fine wine or well-crafted c

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September At A Glance



“Plan — what plants to move when the weather normalises and think about autumn and winter container displays. You might even want to get ahead and write a Christmas list!

Sow — hardy annuals including calendula, larkspur, antirrhinum, cornflower and

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When I moved from one house to another
there were many things I had no room
for. What does one do? I rented a storage
space. And filled it. Years passed.
Occasionally I went there and looked in,
but nothing happened, not a single
twinge of the heart

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The Wounded Angel



Hugo Simberg's painting "The Wounded Angel," completed in 1903, is a poignant and enigmatic masterpiece that has become one of Finland's most iconic artworks. This painting depicts two solemn boys carrying a wounded angel on a stretcher through a de

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Je m’appelle la Terre


Je m’appelle la Terre .

Je n’ai créé aucune frontière, ni de drapeaux multicolores qui séparent les nations,

ni de chants patriotiques qui attisent la haine . J’offre mes rivières,

mes océans, ma nature, mes forêts,

la beauté des fleurs et des anima

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The Lie said to the Truth



The Lie said to the Truth, "Let's take a bath together, the well water is very nice.
The Truth, still suspicious, tested the water and found out it really was nice. So they got naked and bathed.
But suddenly, the Lie leapt out of the water and fl

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"Black Cherries" by W.S. Merwin



Late in May as the light lengthens
toward summer the young goldfinches
flutter down through the day for the first time
to find themselves among fallen petals
cradling their day’s colors in the day’s shadows
of the garden beside the old house

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'Tis May



'Tis May, the elfish maiden,
the daughter of the Spring,
Upon whose birthday morning
the birds delight to sing.


~ Robert Fuller Murray
Art: Florence Harrison

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These hands deserve so much respect.



"These hands deserve so much respect.

Hands that worked the land from sunrise to sunset. Women and men who, with a small piece of orchard, managed to cultivate it and to support their children, working seasonally without caring about the type of work

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Walk proud as you are



"Every relationship you make, you’ll have to show readiness to adjust and make adaptations.
Remember, you can always come home.
You will go home again when the world knocks you down — or when you fall down in full view of the world. But only for t

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Each day is born with a sunrise..



Each day is born with a sunrise
and ends in a sunset, the same way we
open our eyes to see the light,
and close them to hear the dark.
You have no control over
how your story begins or ends.
But by now, you should know that
all things have an ending.

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May you be blessed ...



May you be blessed with good friends.
May you learn to be a good friend to yourself.
May you be able to journey to that place in your soul where there is great love, warmth, feeling, and forgiveness.
May this change you.
May it transfigure that whi

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"A bit of earth"


“A bit of earth,
She wants a little bit of earth.
She'll plant some seeds.
The seeds will grow,
The flowers bloom
Their beauty just the thing she needs.

A bit of earth,
A drop of dew,
A bit of earth
A single stem begins to rise.

That bit of earth

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