
Alain Delon - - Last orders !




"Life no longer excites me. I have seen and experienced everything.
I hate the current era, I've had enough of it!
I constantly see truly hideous creatures.
Everything is wrong, everything is turned upside down.
Everyone laughs at each other without looking at themselves!
There is not even respect for the given word.
Only money is important.
All we hear all day is about crime.
I know that I will leave this world without being sad about it!" (2023)




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  • Alain Delon and Romy Schneider, photographed by Jochen Blume, June 1959


  • Creator

    Aug 18 - Alain Delon, who melted the hearts of millions of film fans whether playing a murderer, hoodlum or hitman in his postwar heyday, has died, his three children said on Sunday. He was 88.
    Delon had been in poor health since suffering a stroke in 2019, rarely leaving his estate in Douchy, in France's Val de Loire region.

    • Oh thats sad,I didnt know of him at all, he had a good long life...but I still stand by what I said,cos its the simple truths..

  • Woah,this man also needs to look more within himself too.. rather than this outside world he percieves around him, as he places himself totally disconnected to his soul essence when he speaks like that,..No matter how justified this world view may seem its only over a small portion of people, or particularly if his entire life has been upended, despair and bitterness are always the result of blurred vision. So many people say comments like this man has.... like 'I feel I have wasted my life and I'm only half way through it" or 'I dont know what my life is all about, nor which way I'm suppose to be going in?" or 'I cant seem to find any happiness around me,no one respects me,money is all its about,crime,wars etc " ..and I often reply, with just one question to them.. "Tell me what is it that gives you the most pleasure or that your really good at doing and feel that you could teach someone else how to do the same?."...when you think like this man you actually are placing the whole world in a one way thought process, the world is not like how he percieves cant have light without darkness first remember this, move through the darkness into the light,this is nothing new to you as youve done it all before over many life times.

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