I hope everyone doing well ?



How much pain are you hiding from yourself ?
How much are you hiding from others ?
How long have you been hurting on the inside and smiling on the outside ?
Being honest with yourself and with a few trusted friends is the beginning of journey
that will bring you to calmer waters
Take my hand and let's begin 10920910661?profile=RESIZE_180x180

I hope everyone doing well ?

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  • I am trying to reach the calmer waters. Hugs.

  • I fully agree with you that confronting our traumas and opening up about them is the start of a journey, which will bring about peace. We can only learn to be kind to ourselves once we recognize and face whatever is blocking it and preventing the self esteem, which is essential if we wish to find contentment and happiness and just as important be able to help others acknowledge it in themselves. 

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