
Learn and Let Flow



Learn and Let Flow


We do not need to suffer or live in poverty to be spiritual people.


The idea that we have to suffer or live in poverty in order to be spiritual is an old one and can be found in the belief systems of many philosophies. Many of us carry this old idea around subconsciously, and we may be holding ourselves back from financial or emotional well-being, believing that this is what we must do in order to be virtuous and spiritually awake, or feel less guilty for the suffering of others. If you find that you are suffering in some area of your physical life, perhaps your spirit is asking you to look deeper in your search for what you want. For example, if you want money so that you can experience the feeling of security but money keeps eluding you, your spirit may be asking you to understand that security is not to be found through money. Security comes from an unshakable connection to your soul. Once you make that connection, money will probably flow more easily into your life. If relationships elude you, your spirit may be calling you to recognize that the love you seek is not to be found in another person. And yet, ironically, once you find self-love, your true love may very well appear. If you are stuck in suffering because you want to live a spiritual life, try to spend some time writing about it. The root of the problem will appear, and it may not be what you expected. Remember, the universe wants you to be happy.


by Madisyn Taylor

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