
10230501893?profile=RESIZE_584xMohamed Mashally


Mohamed Mashally, the doctor of the poor, died today.

Doctor of the Poor had graduated from Medical School in 1967 with 110 and praises. Dr. Mohamed Mashally visited the poor in his city in Egypt for more than 50 years. Muslims, Coptic Christians, he did it for free, in his modest clinic. He also gave his poorest patients even money to buy medicine and took (less than a dollar) in return for benefits for economically well-off patients. Dozens of patients line up every day outside his humble clinic. Dr. Muhammad worked 10 hours a day from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. to treat the largest number of people.

Muhammad Mashali never had a car, not even a mobile phone, he walked from home to the clinic even if he was over 80 years old.

When one of the rich Gulf gentlemen heard about his story, he gifted him 20 thousand dollars, he even gave him a car to move, but after a year, upon his return to Egypt, the wealthy man discovered that Muhammad had sold or even the car to help his own poor patients, even to buy materials, analysts, Muhammad Mashaly said, "After graduation I found out that my father sacrificed his whole life to make me a doctor. So I promised God that I would not take a penny from the poor and that I would live a life in the service of my neighbor whatever culture or religion he may be.”

A man who has dedicated his whole life to saving lives and helping anyone in need. May the earth be light to you 10230513864?profile=RESIZE_180x180


Post by Nasir Karim


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