




Please be aware that if you pick a snail off the ground to move them to a safer place you could cause potential pain if not done properly, simply by just ripping the snail away from the ground.
This can cause the mantle to collapse which could kill the snail.
Although a snail does not have a brain-in the same way that a human has, they do have a nervous system through their body and many scientists think that their reaction to certain stimuli have proven that they experience pain.
Although it has not been proven 100%, I do not wish to risk hurting this fragile creature, or killing them by causing the mantle to collapse.
So to prevent either of these happening you just need to tap a snail on their shell to make them retract their body into the shell before you move the snail.
Just pulling them away from the ground- is potentially excruciatingly painful for the snail and will often result in their death.
Please become a snail tapper.
We so need these little guys to maintain the wildlife balance in our gardens.

Thank you. 13415366897?profile=RESIZE_180x180

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