You are the Universe



“Through our eyes, the Universe is perceiving itself..."
~ Alan Watts


The Universe is who we are. Every photon streaming to Earth from the sun, every pebble on every beach. The light of distant galaxies, the gentle kiss of rain. The energy dancing as every atom of every molecule existing NOW across time and space have been here together since the beginning.

Society identifies us by our name, age, gender, nationality, economic status, career roles, politics. But beneath these social personas lies a deeper identity. "You" and "I" are creative expressions of Nature and the Universe. We are the children of mystery, Cosmic works of art.

Your body is composed of atoms that are billions of years old, that were born long ago in stellar clouds and the hearts of stars. The energy in those atoms can trace their beginnings to the dawn of the Universe. And that's just what Science "knows."

The great masters of numerous spiritual traditions tell us that we are in truth the Hidden Field of Creative Consciousness that has created all things, inhabits all beings. This is our deeper Self & Source, core spiritual identity, a hidden "truth" we share with every other person, animal, river, flower, cloud, galaxy, butterfly and tree.

What the mystics of history call "waking up" is when we align with (and tune into) this deeper sense of identity. Which is not really "identified" with the limited story of any one person, object or thing.

Spiritual practices like yoga, meditation, chanting and prayer can help us to align in that way. Help us let go of identification with our social thoughts and limited ideas of identity. Help us to go deeper, and return to Source...

~ Christopher Chase


Empty yourself of everything.
Let the mind become still.
All things in the Universe rise and fall
while the Self watches their return.
They grow and flourish
and then return to the Source.
Returning to the Source is stillness,
which is the Way of Nature.

~ Lao Tsu ~
Tao Te Ching


You are the Universe - Alan Watts

The Way of Waking Up - Alan Watts

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