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You Matter



You Matter


You are not small.
You are not unworthy.
You are not insignificant.
The universe wove you from a constellation
just so, every atom, every fiber in you
comes from a different star.

you are bound by stardust,
altogether spe

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Blue Iris



Blue Iris


Now that I'm free to be myself, who am I?
Can't fly, can't run and see how slowly I walk.
Well, I think, I can read books.
"What's that you're doing?"
the green-headed fly shouts as it buzzes past.
I close the book.
Well, I can write down

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January (Poem)





Little January
Tapped at my door today.
And said, "Put on your winter wraps,
And come outdoors to play."
Little January
Is always full of fun;
Until the set of sun.
Little January
Will stay a month with me
And we will have such jolly ti

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“Winter Time”



“Winter Time”


"Black are my steps on silver sod;
Thick blows my frosty breath abroad;
And tree and house, and hill and lake,
Are frosted like a winter cake."


~ Robert Louis Stevenson
Art: Hasse Bredenberg (Hans Erik)

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This morning
the hawk
rose up
out of the meadow's browse
and swung over the lake-
it settled
on the small black dome
of a dead pine,
alert as an admiral,
its profile
distinguished with sideburns
the color of smoke,
and I said: remember
this is not

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Views: 9

Yes, I am a dreamer



Yes, I am a dreamer.
For a dreamer is one
who can only find his way
by moonlight,
and his punishment is that
he sees the dawn before
the rest of the world.


- Oscar Wilde

Painting: "Evening", by Austrian painter Hans Zatzka

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Ich hab in meinen Jugendtagen
wohl auf dem Haupt einen Kranz

die Blumen glänzten wunderbar,
ein Zauber in dem Kranze war.

Der schöne Kranz gefiel wohl allen,
doch der ihn trug, hat manchem
ich floh den gelben M

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Views: 2

The witchery of living...



“The witchery of living
is my whole conversation
with you, my darlings.
All I can tell you is what I know.
Look, and look again.
This world is not just a little thrill for the eyes.
It’s more than bones.
It’s more than the delicate wrist with its pe

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Views: 3

Oh Earth...



Oh Earth, you are too dear tonight,
How can I sleep while all around
Floats rainy fragrance &the far
Deep voice of the ocean that talks to the ground?

Oh Earth, you gave me all I have … what have I
That I can give you in return-
Except my body aft

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Views: 10

I talk to the Moon



I talk to the Moon
by Stalwart Dull

I talk to the moon when
I find myself alone
Start writing with my pen
And throw myself a stone


I talk to the moon when
I start thinking of you
As I count one to ten
What am I supposed to do?


I talk to the

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Views: 9




THE SPIRIT OF AUTUMN 10879699088?profile=RESIZE_180x180

I am the burnished leaves of gold
The early morning mist, your breath of cold
The tiny toadstools in the grass
The crunch of leaf-laiden, woodland paths
The breeze that carries, the leaves away
And causes the branches, to roc

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Views: 5

A Pilgrim’s Song

by Joshua Gage


The fog gathers
its robe at my knees.
A wild goose cries,
lost from her flock.

Blown by Autumn winds,
I have become
dust upon the road.
Even my footprints vanish.

Deserted for twelve long years,
the crooked path
that leads to the te

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Views: 8

I Will Sit With You



 "I Will Sit With You" 

i will sit with you
through good times and bad

i will sit with you
when all else have fled

i will be there for you
when you need a friend

i will go through it
with you til the very end

i will be there
when the darkness engulfs you

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When you’ve nothing to give
But, the love within your heart
A gentle touch
Is everything





Poem written by Athey Thompson
Picture taken by J Peterson
Held at the Shetland Museum Archives


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