.ೋ..Reɪvəns Pandora's Box...ೋ




.ೋ..Reɪvəns Pandora's Box...ೋ

If the passing of the years has taught me anything
is that you write these scruffy mind games off at your peril
that heavy buzz in my head you can only get from running
a solid body axe through as much distortion and amplification
as a fuse box can handle.

The dedication to my mission & lifestyle that this unit
of one has exhibited & honed through untold miles.
As if that weren't enough..
fixation that's lurked in my midst rise to the surface
such is the strength of the acidic onslaught herein
that the various visions have left me listless..

No false alarms & no sacred Crows here, no
this thirtysomething+ year old Raven originator has
delivered the goods in a manner that leaves
most everyone around me in dust,
unchallenged indeed
but spending an entire year building my
next masterpiece piece by piece this
Raven has no fair chance to get away with a
shitty outcome.

Unremarkable territory & a dangerous
homogeneity topic with others thoughts
they are hardly leaders though but sideshow acts
this may put me six foot under, but my path
is written on the stone tablets of time
but it's tuned to a vibrational frequency of dread
one that's prized open a Pandora's Box and let
loose all the abstract, sickly thoughts banished
to the fringes of consciousness..
The harsh truth is there's not much distinguishing
mind over madness..
Raven I might be.. but a human shell I possess
but it feels simultaneously like walls closing
in & breathtaking vista's opening up &
harrowingly seductive....
though access is granted in time
to catch the final few pulses of this performance
if not its sadly a case of too little, too late
& once again an education verdict of burst is driven to delay..

Only the truly dedicated remain for the Eostoic testament
to their unwavering unbounded mission that is found in
the followers they've picked up still like keepers of
some cold, clandestine flame...


Raven Leads My Way Again..



Ꮙℓἇ∂ἇ..aka Reɪvən ღ

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