And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul.

“The forest as a state of mind is perhaps the religion of every dendrophile, a cult of people who feel changed and converted by spending time in a forest.”

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  •  main-qimg-715dcb9d98467c390dccbe3a7555f94d

  • Happy New Year to all!

    Is going to be a lot of changes, this year, bt I hope we will all survive them and learn all our great lessons!

    Free New Year'S Day 2025 photo and picture

    • Creator

      Happy New Year, Carmen!


  • Creator

    Washington Oaks Gardens State Park


  • Yes, Eva, they are so unique!

    I would love to see them in their own environment!

    Thanks for sharing this with us!

  • Creator

    This is the largest baobab in Madagascar and is called the Tree of Life or Mother of the Forest..

    Madagascar is home to seven species of baobab trees, six of which are native to the island. These trees are the national tree of Madagascar and are considered sacred by local people. However, baobab trees face many threats, including climate change, deforestation, and illegal logging.

    Baobabs are long-lived deciduous, small to large trees from 5 to 30 m (20 to 100 ft) tall with broad trunks and compact crowns. Young trees usually have slender, tapering trunks, often with a swollen base. Mature trees have massive trunks that are bottle-shaped or cylindrical and tapered from bottom to top.


    • Hi! What a beautiful aging tree it would be a shame to cut it down.

  • 355060.jpg

  • Halloween is approaching!

    Have a happy one!



    • Creator

      Also for you Carmen!


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Are you a Dendrophile? Do you love trees and forests? Do you love the serenity of forests, the peace, the tranquility? Does spending time in the trees rejuvenate your soul?
if so, this group was created with you in mind.


13 Foresters
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Good morning


Tree Hugger

Tree Hugger
Antsy Pants

Flower said, "I wish I was a tree"
The tree said, "I wish I could be
A different kind of tree"
The cat wished…

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Views: 13
Comments: 1

Woodland Floor

What a lovely walk that would be.