"Follow your inner moonlight don't hide the madness"





I sought my soul

But my soul I could not see,

I sought my God, but

He eluded me,

I sought my brother - -

And I found all three.



Martin Luther King Jr.




More about me:


Greetings!! Hail from Vaud, Switzerland. It was written in the stars that I would follow the path of the Moon. I have always been close to the Goddesses and they have gently guided me along my life path toward my calling. I have one amazing grown children. Life has brought me many sorrows along the way but I have managed to survive those many trials and tribulations and it has made me that much stronger as a woman, girlfriend, and mother. Without those trials, I would not be the woman that I am today. I love the person who helped me more than anything else in this world. She is very important to me. She is my whole world. So there you have it... the condensed version of my life. Can't wait to get to know all of you...




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  • Many greetings from Sarajevo...

    I spend a lot of time on this wonderful site, so I would like to invite you to this site, which is just as good, my username is the same as on this site, Blueangel56, and the site is https://myboomerplace.com/, but you have to register.
    Warm greetings from Sarajevo


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    Baby Boomer Social Network for meeting Good Friends, Finding good Friends and just having Fun with friends posting and sharing blogs, comments, chatt…
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  • Have A Great Evening- Good Evening

  • Thank you.
    Happy Holidays!
    I wish you the best of Christmas and a 2025 filled with love and health!



  • Love your play on words.   I cannot come on as myself so I use my great grandmother.



  • Yes dear it does give me good Inspirational, vibes


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Vaud Switzerland


June 14

About Me:

A woman of hope and never ending learning..

Interests and activities:

Flowers, art, music, literature, meditation.


Paused... « »
  • 1.
    Anoushka Shankar & Karsh Kale - Oceanic, Part 2
  • 2.
    Ravi Shankar in Oceanic part 1, from Breathing Under Water
  • 3.
    Oceanic, Part 1 Breathing Underwater


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