Location - Paeroa Golf Club


I certainly feel lucky to be living in New Zealand thats for sure, so much to do and see here still and I've been here my whole life,...so it might be a small country but it does have some limitations,especially in regards to transportation and the high costs of such..

like we dont have passenger trains going to every city, so its either bus, car or fly and it aint cheap in comparison to the rest of the world for the same thing. But we get by...but there is also many outdoor places to visit that dont cost money also,or very little to compensate I spose..,

and bigger townships arnt too far away to drive to in the north Island,from me in Coromandel Paeroa/Thames area, ...  Auckland is only 2hrs drive from here [not that I go there much], Hamilton [Waikato] is only 1hrs drive, Tauranga [Bay of Plenty] 1hrs drive, Rotorua 2hrs, Taupo 3hrs, Wellington is 6hrs to give some idea of distances to drive to get to them all,and a lot of native bush & farmland in between them all to get there...

but I hate big bustling cities now-a-days.. after living the quite life for so long..coming home after spending a day in a major city is like a debrief from a extreme military camp lol..[see map below] see photo's of each place I got to trekking the great outdoors..


Coromandel are townships  & not cities

336 Parawai Road, Thames, Thames-Coromandel | Mike Pero Real Estate

Auckland is a massive city [dangerous too]..

Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland: A city branding success story | Auckland NZ

Hamilton a small city 

New Zealand z 2.406 €

Tauranga is growing but its a small city

Living and Renovating in Tauranga | Inspiration & Advice

Rotorua a small city 

Rotorua – Rotorua, New Zealand - Atlas Obscura

Taupo a township

 Things to do Lake Taupo, best activities & attractions

Wellington is a massive city

Wellington from above | Mel Durling | Flickr

Places I've been to...










All these photo's have been taken by me on my treks along the Ohinamuri river banks, & while on private property out at the Komata Reefs waterhole in the Hauraki district -  at the base of the Coromandel Peninsula.


The North Island's Hauraki region stretches from the eastern coastline of the Coromandel Peninsula to the western side of the Firth of Thames, presenting nature in a jaw-dropping fashion.

Its landscapes are ideal for outdoor enthusiasts with its immaculate beaches, luxuriant forests and striking topographies that leave visitors spellbound. From scaling peaks on Coromandel Range and delving into Karangahake Gorge to indulging in swims within translucent waters at Cathedral Cove or basking in thermal pools located at Miranda - this place has it all!

The Hauraki region boasts a plethora of historic sites and cultural attractions that embody its diverse heritage. The marae in the town of Whangapoua offers an opportunity for visitors to educate themselves on Maori culture while exploring Waihi, a gold mining town, or the Thames – which was once New Zealand's largest city – presents another option for discovering historical significance within the area.

Hauraki is a locale that provides an assortment of activities for individuals with varying preferences, ranging from thrill-seeking enthusiasts to individuals passionate about history and those who simply wish to unwind while absorbing the awe-inspiring landscape. It is a geographical area bound to enchant every visitant's affections.

My photo's  of various places around this area..













So now you all know where I live and where my haunting grounds are, when I talk about going to the Coromandel to go surfing or going on a trek to some place you'll be able to recognize  some of it at least from here.



All these beaches are within 1-2hrs drive from where I live in Paeroa on the Coromandel, East Coast..

Coromandel Coast

Hot water Beach, Coromandel..Geothermal you dig a h ole in the sand & have a thermal bath, then a dip in the ocean


Waihi Beach,Coromandel,

A bustling beachside village of boutique shops and eateries, set alongside a 9km stretch of inviting white sand, Waihi Beach is on one of New Zealand’s safest surf beaches and home to a vibrant and friendly beachside community.



Whangamata Beach,Coromandel


Whitianga Beach,Coromandel,

Whitianga or Whiti City as the locals call it is the gateway to our favourite beach in New Zealand. Cathedral Cove is a must visit while you are on the coromandel peninsula. Just down the road from Cathedral Cove you will also find another attraction the Coromandel is famous for and that is Hot Water Beach or Hottie as the locals would say. Whitianga is also home to The Lost Spring which is our favourite Natural Spring in NZ, anyway check out the video and  check out Whitianaga and the beautiful Coromandel Peninsula.



Pauanui Beach,Coromandel,

Pauanui Beach is one of the all time popular holiday spots in The Coromandel. During the weekend you'll find the beach busy with walkers, dogs and kids, surfers, paddle boarders and sun bathers. There are also protected dotterel birds that nest along the sand dune. Pauanui Beach is a great option for a leisurely walk, a romantic sunrise or a photo opportunity. SURFING PAUANUI: On the water you'll find a friendly break for surfers, which is great for learning and a right hand point break for the more experienced. SAFETY: Pauanui Beach is patrolled by Surf Life Saving NZ in the summer. Remember to swim between the flags. ACCESS: There is parking on the beachfront at the south end with good access for mobility impaired visitors, also at the north end, Royal Billy Point, from where the Tairua-Pauanui Ferry also operates in the holiday season.





Driving Creek Railway, Coromandel -  & Barry Brickle Potter [now deceased]..

Your train driver will entertain you with the story of Barry Brickell and how this amazing place came to be, as your tram winds its way up to the EyeFull Tower lookout, traveling through a native forest of regenerating kauri, rimu and ferns.

Hear how pottery has played an important role in creating Driving Creek and of our work to return the Driving Creek property to pre-European times as we travel over large viaducts, through tunnels and reversing points.

Passion and art collide and, boom, your gobsmacked by one human's vision. I first heard about Driving Creek Railway and Potteries back in Mount Maunganui, when I asked what one should be sure to do on the Coromandel. Well, he, said, there's this guy up near Coromandel Town who started a small-gauge railway so he could go get the clay he needed to do his art and it's pretty cool.

Spy hidden gems along the way, unique pottery sculptures and artworks and people zipping through the trees.at the top views to die for of the full Coromandel Peninsula,and being shown where Barry is buried on the top ridge of his own property..all this was totally mind blowing to me.. 

Let me first introduce you to Barry Brickell when he was alive & living sharing his passionate art of Pottery on his property..


Barry Brickell's pottery to be exposed | Stuff.co.nz

Barry Brickell & Driving Creek Railway – Gillian McMillan — Rara Avis

THE ROAD TAKEN : Magical Driving Creek Railway and Potteries

Driving Creek’s founder Barry Brickell purchased the present day Driving Creek property upon which the railway and pottery sit in 1973. The property was attractive to Barry for its ‘yellow plastic clay’, derived from the weathering of the old volcanic rocks. There was a scattering of pine trees amongst scrub, self-sown from original pines planted by the early Californian gold diggers of late 1800 century. The property was a mix of scrub and farmland, poor quality pastures that Barry quickly started reverting to native forest.



Most of the raw materials for the making of terracotta pottery garden wares, tiles and sculpture come from the upper slopes of the property.



As a railway enthusiast the property provided Barry with the opportunity to create a replica of the Ongarue bush tramway that he had visited in earlier years, a railway that has long since vanished.


The railway would provide a practical and environmental advantageous way to provide all weather access to clay and pine wood kiln fuel for the pottery. However, we suspect it was more about Barry being able to play trains on his own railway, an interest that allowed him to also explore his love of engineering.


Barry poured considerable money into railway construction before it was licensed to carry fare-paying public in 1990. This was a huge financial gamble that paid off with returns from the pottery steadily diminishing.

Look at that tiny 15-inch track!
The train cars, all built on site, are driven from both the front and back. Periodically on our journey we came to the end of a track, reversed the train, and started climbing up an adjacent track. This because the track couldn't be laid tightly enough to make these turns to gain elevation.

All Images below belong to me after my trip up there yesterday 23/4/2024

Just got back from traveling for two days on vacation tripping up & around the Coromandel Peninsula,went to Barry Brickells Driving Creek Railway & Pottery studio,went on a train he built himself to collect the clay for his pottery on his property,it took us right up the top of a mountain over looking the whole of the Coromandel,it was mind blowing..




























  Lost sculpture Park & Abatoreum,Waitakaruru.

Now today I just got home at 4.50pm after spending the day out at the Lost sculpture Park & Abatoreum,Waitakaruru..loads of trekking and hill climbing,a real workout ..but so worth it..






























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  • Creator

    Just today i have seen your wonderful pictures! And your e-mail has special signes, this is why Ning can not sending messages automaticaly. Me too, when i have a invitation for you i must cherche your e-mail in the member section. Your mail is very special...sorry, its not the mail, its your name who make the problem.

    • Oh glad you finally got to see them, Im going to a water garden this weekend weather pending of course so will be updating adding more images to this post...as for the notification issue if so then thats another reason why I hate Ning 03 format, there are so many glitches on it, so my namesake is supposedly stopping me from getting email notifications, I find that hard to believe because I was getting notifications when I signed up in here and its been just fine up until a few months back and I havnt changed anything on my profile either,its been the same since I signed up in here..so its Ning actually thats at fault not my profile namesake..I have the same namesake on all my profiles in each Ning site too with no issues..

      • Creator

        On NingCreators i have startet a Discussion "Ning 3.0 is antisocial". So you can say something.

  • Waihi Beach & township is just 20mins drive for me through the Kairangahaki Gorge,where there is not only the Beach to walk on but also a large picturesque lake one can walk around, I take my dog Khalo there often, and many people walk their dogs round it so lots of people to talk to.Just got back from a water park gardens in Gold Mining township of Waihi, it was a very picturesque walk, Khalo loved the walk along with me too,..it was a beautiful clear & warm afternoon and so every man & his dog was out in nature,on the Beach and within the colours of the autumn trees making a stunning back drop scene in a park with the lake,but one couldn't go two feet without meeting another dog and the whole nose to butt meet n greet thing happening,but it was nice,we both enjoyed the outing..the ducks were out on the lake & a black shag was eyeing up the carp from his log,and everyone was friendly and chatty along the way on their walks like me..




    Waihi Beach,watching the surfers this day..




    Waihi township goldmine pump house














    Then on the way back home I took a detour and drove out to Dickie Flats DOC Camp Ground in Waikino and walked the track out there too and across the suspension bridge, people were camping out there even at this time of year..and loads of trout fishermen also..walking along the track I came across a whole family of Californian quail & their babies, all scurrying out the way into the undergrowth..and Khalo didn't even bat a eye lid at them..then walking back over the camp ground field..

    I could hear a common sound of snorting & snuffling as a group of black Angus cows came walking up behind me to check Khalo out, he'd never seen a cow before and stood behind me a bit deterred by their size....but not too far off in the distance I could just see the long red hair highland cows I met last time I was out here.. they were in a far off paddock not close enough to take a good photo of this time round sadly.. as their shaggy hair they were shedding and they looked like they had been dragged through a hedge backwards,so funny,yet their long horns looked even larger than they were last year..down the road heading home again..

    I stopped in on Owharoa waterfall, there were also loads of tourists & people,more ooh's & ahhs & pats for Khalo as the Japanese tourists love miniature Schnauzers it appears... they were also doing the same thing takig in the beautiful falls & sights of my district..so all in all we had a great day out trekking...










    Owharoa Falls Track: Karangahake Gorge area


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