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One of the most spiritual things you can do is embrace your humanity. Connect with those around you today. Say, “I love you”, “I’m sorry”, “I appreciate you”, “I’m proud of you”…whatever you’re feeling. Send random texts, write a cute note, embrace your truth and share it…cause a smile today for someone else…and give plenty of hugs.

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  • And nature rejoices in its colors!

  • Creator

    NURTURE THOSE YOU LOVE! 12311792062?profile=RESIZE_180x180 I received a strange message this morning - “I Am not going to make this a mass awakening. I Am going to make this a mass exiting.”


  • Creator

    When You become Wise, Balance becomes Everything....

    There is not left, without seeing right, to balance.

    There is not right, without seeing left, to balance.


    So then in going left, you balance it with right.

    so then, in going right, you balance it with left.


    You are not one thing, but many things.

    There is not one truth, but many truths, all in balance.


    For this balance, see the color wheel.


    You are at the center, balancing all the colors,

    choosing what is appropriate for that time,

    and balancing it out, later.


    Trust in your desire, in choosing where to move.

    Your desire, will not mislead You.

    This is where You need to be.


    And Yet,, seek later to balance where you are,

    by the opposite colors of your current truth.

    For there is not one truth, but many truths.


  • Creator

    "Show us how precious each day is,
    teach us to be fully here.
    And let the work of our hands prosper ...."

    (Photo credit: Amy MacDonald)


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Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life. As such, it is a universal human experience—something that touches us all. People may describe a spiritual experience as sacred or transcendent or simply a deep sense of aliveness and interconnectedness.


Some may find that their spiritual life is intricately linked to their association with a church, temple, mosque, or synagogue. Others may pray or find comfort in a personal relationship with God or a higher power. Still others seek meaning through their connections to nature or art. Like your sense of purpose, your personal definition of spirituality may change throughout your life, adapting to your own experiences and relationships.

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You must have a place to which you can go...

"You must have a place to which you can go in your heart, your mind, or your house, almost every day, where you do not owe anyone and where no one owes you - a place that simply allows for the blossoming of something new and…

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