Dr Feelgood Message..

Dr. Feelgood Patch - Rockhart

Dr Feelgood Message..

While this is not a topic that I write about often, I do share as I talk with others when appropriate. Throughout our daily lives, many of us are prompted to do or speak so that others are helped with a wide range of needs. Over the past few years, I and others have become accustomed to this as a normal part of who we are. Today's writing is from one such prompting to share with the goal of helping to bring clarity and understanding about the period we are in.

As we know, the World is going through vast changes as part of a shift or transition to a new world. Even if people were not talking about this, everyone would have an un-shakeable sense that something big is coming. It is within each of us at the deepest levels of who we are that is telling us so. For those of us that speak prophetically, there is an inherent duty and responsibility to discern greatly before sharing.

If I am to speak, it must be with purpose. It must carry with it the meaning and value of knowing for all people equally. Having done this many times, I have learned that the larger, grander or immensity of knowing what is to come, one must sit with and discern to a depth that is equal to or greater than what was given. It is such with myself that I will accurately know 80% of what is ahead. We are not always meant to know everything before us for a variety of reasons. Freewill, lessons and other experiences fall into the remaining 20%.

Understand that the future is fluid and ever-changing. Yet the feeling all are experiencing is telling us at all levels an incredible change is upon us. With each passing day, that sense of increasingly grows with intensity. Do your best to not let it overwhelm you or become a source of chaos in your life. This is all part of the process and will increase naturally as more people awaken daily to what is going on. Think of this continual energy build up like a "J" curve. Right now we are climbing that steep rise until that peak/precipice of completion is attained. Energy is building up, moving faster and faster until the collective strength of a frequency is released to break free.

As we all "hear" or "see" differently according to our natural abilities or ways of understanding, the messages shared by so many can and do greatly vary about this period. Whether it be channeling a spirit, guides, other worldly being, entity, cards or divination, each presents variations of a theme. Unfortunately this can cause confusion for many as the vast majority are just trying to understand what is going on and where they fit in. More than ever before, people need truth given with clarity and ease of understanding.

The internet is full of personalities and voices saying all sorts of things about the future. Yes, there is a core thread of truth with each that speaks, however you should know that I will tell you that none of them are 100% correct. For a variety of reasons, no one knows precisely when the transition will complete, nor will they. The best anyone can do is give an approximation of. All will agree to the foundational changes we are going through and why. Yet beyond that they are all over the place with what they are presenting. This is mainly due to the diverse sources of information people receive from. Please note that I am not speaking negatively about any of those who share. One of the primary reasons behind the prompting to write today is the true concern about the plethora of divergent messages, how that is affecting everyone and the impact of confusion caused by not presenting a clearly unified voice.

My voice is not my own, but of that which is. I do not channel, enter a meditative or trance, close my eyes or altered state when speaking. I have no need to as that is not who I am. I simply allow, speak and share in whatever manner is needed at any given moment. Those who've had video calls with myself or spent time sharing together will tell you that's true; because it is. So today I am sharing as I don't want anyone to be in a state of confusion, feeling lost or left behind. I want you to be empowered with knowledge and understanding so that each can keep moving forward with a clarity of purpose and sure footing.

As mentioned, any of us who share or speak prophetically have a responsibility and duty to everyone as our words have meaning and an actual impact on others. That responsibility goes far beyond what one may consider it to be and leads into the secondary reason for sharing with you today.

There are a number of paths, timeliness and events which can or will occur in the days ahead. Some must come to pass, some are mutable. Everyone needs to come to a cohesive understanding about manifestating/co-creating. Whether you think you do or not doesn't matter. You may not recognize that you are or able to consciously do this with purpose, however you absolutely do every single day. It is vital that you understand and know this at the very core of your being.

I cannot place enough emphasis on what was just said. There is a divergent dynamic at play that all the personalities on the web are not seeing. We naturally "manifest" through a combination of thought, emotion, intent and clarity of connection to Source. When we share, we are presenting what we receive and people collectively take it in. The message shared becomes a focused thought to an increased number of the collective while they themselves are becoming stronger in their abilities. Unwittingly, we as a collective begin to manifest various unnecessary events through unified thought. With divergence, comes chaos. This is why an unified voice/message is paramount in forming the days ahead. Truly I tell you that the vast majority of Humanity have no idea regarding the immensity of our ability to create. This is especially true about what happens when the collective are of one focused thought and purposed intent.

Yes, there will be trials and tribulations in the days ahead but you are not to afraid of them. This the purpose of "knowing": To understand so that one is not afraid of that which is to be. To prepare oneself so that you know what to do, why and when. To be assured and have peace in the midst of chaos. To know you are watched over and loved far beyond understanding.

As the days progress, it behooves each to diligently discern, contemplate within and not simply react to the myriad of messages coming at us every day. It is good and right to take pause, bringing yourself to a grounded sense of calm during times of discernment. The Understanding of Mindfulness is your ally when a deluge of thoughts weigh upon you, seeming to create feelings of anxiety and chaotic discord within yourself. Remember that thoughts are like water in a brook. It's continually moving and effortlessly flows around the stones which lay upon the bed.

The stones take no notice of the water. The water simply is. Just as the water is to the stone, so are the thoughts which fill our minds. It is thru Mindfulness that we become as the stone and allow thoughts to flow without attachment. This is how one stays calm in the midst of the storms all experience: By allowing your thoughts to exist without attachment, you receive from them what is needed and effortlessly let go of the remainder. In doing so, we stay balanced and ultimately are no longer controlled by cascading thoughts or emotions.

I want each of you to know that everyone has a reason and purpose for being here now. Each of you have abilities, strengths and subtle nuances which compliment the others when working together. It takes a very specific combination of Creation to come together and successfully complete a transition of such scale. Yes it gets exhausting, however everyone currently existing within this 3D world is built in a way to endure what we are all going through. It must be done in phases/waves so that we can adjust along the way. Otherwise, the intensity of a Shifts total energy released at one time would be extremely damaging and break us irrevocably. Visually speaking, it would be similar to what happens to an incandescent light bulb when the voltage suddenly spikes causing the filament to rapidly burn brighter until it snaps and goes dark. We are no different when it comes to the nature of Shift energy.

There is a great deal of clamoring on the web about how 5D is here and the "new energy" we are all feeling. I want you to know that what is being talked about has always existed. Yes, it does seem "new", but I tell you it's not. That energy and 5D has always been available to everyone but the paradigms of the old world suppressed, restricted, subjugated and continually exerted control over everyone preventing Humanity from being part of what has always been. It is the constant stream of negativities which has sustained the old paradigm and purposely not permitted you to function as intended.

Once begun, a transitional shift cannot be stopped. It will run its course and we have no choice about participating in. This is a very strenuous process for everyone. The newness of 5D energy and its associated existence is increasingly being felt because this shift requires a massive 5D energy increase to breakthrough the construct of the old paradigms. It is the only way to shatter the illusion of this world on a planetary scale simultaneously. While it can be very uncomfortable, confusing, even painful at times, we are slowly adjusting to it. Please understand that this intensity will absolutely increase with each person that awakens. It is in the very fabric of how we are all connected that the energy of the whole is amplified thru the Unity of Oneness that we are. That rapid amplification is the extreme rise of the "J" curve mentioned earlier and why everything is going to speed up exponentially in the days to come.

There are those of us who live a 5D life now. Each one of us who truly live in this state have been thru an extreme amount and often times brutal, intense self-work. We actively chose to go thru this now so that we can share facets of the world to come, show you what's possible to the degree we can right now and provide living proof that what is spoken is true. To be part of this change and usher in a new world is an honor sought by many when coming here. Always remember that every single person plays an important role. So truly love and support each other in the days to come. It's what's needed and ultimately what brings us all together.

I pray that those who read this hear the words within. That the truths shared resonate with understanding and through this we all come together as one.

For by us, is our future formed and what will be.


 ..Nameste - Dr Feel Good..ღ



Mark Wilkinson - Embrace the Ride (Official Visualizer)


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