Starseed are souls with a cosmic origin who are incarnated as humans. They are people whose home is not on earth but on another planet. They are mostly very old souls who incarnated in some form in the universe long before mankind existed. Thus, these souls had already experienced one or more incarnations in other dimensions before they were born as humans for the first time.
Starseed incarnate out of a desire to make the earth a more luminous place, to support humans in their ascension process and to spread their knowledge on earth.
Starseed are not bound by the earthly law of incarnation, which causes people to incarnate on earth again and again until they clear their karma. Starseed always incarnate out of their own desire and with a very specific mission.
Starseeds have already taken root on earth thousands of years ago. Earth was a project that aimed to create a community out of very different planetary civilizations. A community they could enrich with their knowledge and culture in science, technology, art, healing, music, architecture and spirituality. It was a merging of energies from different dimensions to create a beautiful new home. And also to experience yourself in a new way, to experience feelings differently than on your home planet. And to be exposed to duality in a way never before experienced.
Starseed come from very different planets and universes. Most often I meet people of Pleiadian, Sirian, Venusian, Arcturus or Orion lineage.
Traits that let you know if you're a Starseed. It should be noted that not all of the characteristics apply to every starseed.
1. Starseeds are people with a lot of energy and charisma. They are very often a kind of transformer of other people's energies and emotions. This means that they can consciously or unconsciously empathize with other people and absorb/transform their energies. Although they like to be among people, they always seek to be all-one.
2. Starseeds very often feel different, not belonging and alien, knowingly or unconsciously that they are not from here.
3. Starseeds often don't really feel at home anywhere.
4. Sarseeds are here on a mission to pass on their knowledge and skills to assist and guide humanity in its ascension process. However, Starseed often cannot remember their soul mission here on earth or have great difficulty in realizing their ideas. Because manifesting in the 3D/ 4D of the earth works completely differently than in its dimension of origin.
5. Starseeds are often born into difficult families in order to take on family karma and clear it with their presence. Through their awareness, understanding and compassion they initiate healing processes.
6. Starseed are mostly globally interested, cosmopolitan people who, however, cannot identify with world events and often classify them as incomprehensible and underdeveloped.
7. Starseeds are very often exposed to diseases in their lives. The experiences of the disease bring them closer to their own essence, but are sometimes also caused by the intrusion of dark energies that seek to suppress the Starseed's work on Earth. Feeding problems are common. This is due to the fact that nutrition is completely different in other dimensions.
8. Starseed are mostly spiritually interested or practicing people, looking for the inner essence.
9. Starseed have a very strong connection to stars and planets and to nature in general.
10.Most Starseed have highly developed clairvoyance.
© 2021 Noemi Hauser with love.
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Eva, I would like to know my origin, because I am unique. I did not and do not know anyone with my thinking, with the way of my life.