Starseeds are souls that have come to Earth in order to heal and teach and have been sent here for a divine higher purpose. These souls have lived many lifetimes and are the bearers of incredible Universal wisdom and guidance. While Starseeds all have these commonalities, there are many different kinds of Starseeds which can be placed into three main categories.
The three main categories of Starseeds are Typical Starseeds, Old Soul Starseeds, and New Starseeds.
Typical Starseeds
Typical Starseeds are souls that have typically lived between 5-50 different lifetimes on Earth. Some of these lifetimes were preparation as they allowed the soul to find a natural place on Earth as it acclimated to being a human being. These preparation lifetimes were also key in the development of the soul’s mission, leading to its ultimate actualization in the present lifetime.
For Typical Starseeds, Earth is a place of service. These souls have already attained a higher level of consciousness on other planets and as such are not here to learn, but rather to teach and be of service to others. Since they have lived fewer lifetimes than their older counterparts, these Starseeds retain many of their higher abilities including things like channeling, telepathy, and healing.
The divine purpose of Typical Starseeds is to walk upon this Earth at times of rising spiritual awareness in order to help propel that spiritual growth to new heights and to truly be able to help others. This is the most common Starseed type so most Starseeds reading this will feel a sense of identity in this.
Old Soul Starseeds
Old Soul Starseeds have lived hundreds of lifetimes on this Earth. Their roots date back past the beginning of humanity and can even extend to the birth of this planet. The divine purpose of these souls is to serve as guardians of this planet, facilitating the long-term evolution of humanity. They have strong ties to Sirius, the spiritual guardian of humanity and Earth. Their purpose means that they will reincarnate countless times in order to fulfill their true life’s purpose.
These souls are our shamans, spiritual teachers, temple guardians, prophets, healers, and lightworkers. They are our divine leaders on the journey to spiritual awakening. They possess the ancient spiritual knowledge and wisdom of the entirety of the Universe. All human knowledge of the divine, things like numerology, astrology, light work, healing, spiritual ceremonies, and omens, come from Old Soul Starseeds. They are blessed with the gift of balance, being able to find harmony between the grounded and tangible and the divine and spiritual. Despite living as human beings for so long, they still feel a deep connection to their Star origins.
New Starseeds
New Starseeds are either on their first lifetimes on Earth or have only lived through a few of them. Since it is easier to integrate with humanity during times of collective ascension, they have chosen this moment to walk upon this Earth. They play key roles in times when humanity experiences great change and they possess many incredible gifts that will help to guide us all. Their energy is one of divine light and purity. This energy is expansive but remains light as they have yet to undergo the energetic density that comes with living on Earth for extended periods of time.
Since they are new to living on this Earth, they can find it more difficult to integrate and often times feel distanced from their fellow beings until the time when they can share their amazing gifts. They are young and are not as experienced with living in the lower consciousness of humanity. Crystal and Rainbow Children often fall into this category. As they begin their cycle of integrating into humanity, they are also beginning their cycle of countless lifetimes and missions on this Earth.
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