Blessed Solstice


Blessed Solstice

It is time to celebrate the dawning of the Light as it has been from the beginning of ancient history. For those in the far north it is indeed a special time of year, when the days start to become longer again and the darkness of winter can be shed. Yule fires are a real comfort of warmth and light.

All religions have borrowed their traditions from these ancient celebrations: the evergreen tree, representing the tree of life, ornaments which were gifts from the garden, and the birth of the sun child, incorporated in the Christian story as the birth of Jesus.

The deep esoteric meaning of the birth of the sun child is a renewed flow of the Christ Light, the sunshine of our Soul - an inner light flowing into our hearts, revealing the darkness.

We are seeing this today in the US with the release of CIA documents and the exposure of other secrets by the Internet. What was hidden is coming into the light.

May we celebrate the dawning of the Light,


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