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The Shortest Day
by Susan Cooper


And so the shortest day came and the year died

And everywhere down the centuries of the snow-white world

Came people singing, dancing,

To drive the dark away.

They lighted candles in the winter trees;

They hung t


May you find peace in the promise of the solstice night, that each day forward is blessed with more light.
That the cycle of nature, unbroken and true, brings faith to your soul and wellbeing to you.
Rejoice in the darkness, in the silence find re


Winter Solstice Blessings

Today is the longest night and the darkest day of the year.. And the knowledge that starting tomorrow.. it will get a little brighter again every single day... The returning of the Sun. 10917335867?profile=RESIZE_180x180

And how beautiful it is to see the su



Winter Solstice Spell

Winter solstice is a wonderfully magical time; and the night of the furthest drifting, the night of the million suns, is the perfect time for a truly magical Winter Solstice Spell.

A spell is a journey; always a journey of di


Blessed Solstice

It is time to celebrate the dawning of the Light as it has been from the beginning of ancient history. For those in the far north it is indeed a special time of year, when the days start to become longer again and the darkness of wi


Ritual for Yule and Prosperity in the New Year


With the coming of Yule in the dead of winter, we descend into the shortest day and darkest night of the year, and we celebrate the return of the sun and the coming of springs light, as the days once


Celebrating Yule: The Returning of The Light


Before the spread of Christianity, people celebrated an ancient tradition called Yule. Most of the Christmas traditions that we’re familiar with today originated from this holiday. But unlike our commer

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