Ritual for Yule and Prosperity in the New Year


Ritual for Yule and Prosperity in the New Year


With the coming of Yule in the dead of winter, we descend into the shortest day and darkest night of the year, and we celebrate the return of the sun and the coming of springs light, as the days once again begin growing longer. The winter solstice reminds us that the ultimate product of death is rebirth. 

For us in the Northern Hemisphere, Yule starts on Sunday, December 22nd and ends on January 2nd. People in the Southern Hemisphere may be celebrating the summer solstice at this time depending on their traditions.

Yule celebrations and rituals usually take place on the shortest day and longest night of the year, the winter solstice, which will begin in New York at 11:19pm on December 21st and carry into the 22nd. The following are some ways you can infuse your Yule time with magic and light.


Decorate your Altar for Yule:

The symbolic colors used on Yule are red, green, and gold, and there should be plenty of candles– bringing light into the darkest season is our focus at this time. You can also incorporate whites, blues and grays for the winter time. You can forage even in the winter and gather pine cones, evergreen, and holly to place around your altar. Let the foliage of the season inspire you: not every tree is bare in the winter. 


Bringing in the Light on Yule:

Candles have always been lit plentifully on Yule to welcome back the sun and the energy of the God. In ancient lore, it is said that the God is birthed by the Goddess on Yule, now growing up and gathering strength until he is finally strong enough to bring in the light and new growth of spring. It is said you should light every candle in your home and keep them burning all of the darkest day. People would also burn Yule logs in the fireplace. In Nordic tradition, an entire tree would be ceremonially brought into the home, with the largest end of the log being placed into the fire while the rest of the tree stuck out into the room. While I 100% do not recommend trying to burn down an entire tree in your New York City apartment, if you are one of the lucky ones who have a fireplace, Yule would be the perfect night to get it going and cozy up in front of it with a glass of mulled wine or cider. 


Festive Yule Spell for Prosperity and Love in the next Decade:

What you will need: a red, green, gold, or white candle and a lighter. Optional: green, red, or gold glitter, and cinnamon, cedarwood, pine, thieves, myrrh, or frankincense oil. 

How to conduct your Yule Candle Spell:

  1. Say a prayer invoking the universal life force energy―call in any spirit guides, guardian angels, and deities you resonate with, the energy of winter, the Goddess, and the God.
  2. Take your candle, and if you have oil and glitter, anoint your candle with your oil and then cover it in glitter. Optional: you can also carve anything that resonates with you and the Yule energy into your candle using a knife before you anoint it with oil, I usually carve “blessings,” but soak up the energy and let it come to you.
  3. Light your candle. 

Say the following spell aloud: 


As I sit in reflection on Winter’s longest night, 

I welcome with my candles the return of the light. 

Into the new year, rebirthed and renewed, 

Prosperity and love will lead me through.



Keep your candle burning throughout the day and night, and light any additional candles you have in your home to spread the Yule light throughout every room. Yule is a wonderful time to spend with loved ones in celebration, to spend time with people who feel safe, and to spend time in reflection as you set your goals and wishes moving into a new year and decade.



10899131469?profile=RESIZE_400xKaylin Brown

Kaylin Brown is a designer, photographer, writer, and tarot reader living in New York City. Kaylin writes success-oriented spells and rituals that draw from years of study and experience in her own magickal practice. Chronic lover of the moon, mushrooms, herbal medicine, astrology, and divination. You can find Kaylin’s work at kaylinbrown.com or on instagram at @psychedelicpeach.


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