To the Woman Questioning Her Own Strength



To the Woman Questioning Her Own Strength

To the woman who gazes around and wonders why others seem so much more capable, so much stronger, so much more ambitious than she feels. To the woman who sees everyone blazing a fiery trail through life while she feels as though she’s limping along, barely making it through each day.

Know this: somewhere, another woman is looking at you and thinking the very same thing.

We all appear to have it together from the outside. On the right day, we seem like we have it all under control. But truthfully, we’ve perfected the art of masking our struggles behind a smile. We’ve learned to don a brave face and push through, even when the weight of it all feels overwhelming.

When we show up, just as we are—warts and all, late, flustered, and beautifully human—we’re doing each other a favor. We need to see that beneath the polished exterior, we are all the same. We all face struggles, we all have moments where we fall apart. Some days we thrive, and other days we stumble.

Hiding our fears and weaknesses only gives them more power. When we allow ourselves to be vulnerable and shine a light on our insecurities, they become less daunting, even laughable. And oh, how we need to find reasons to laugh.

So, to the woman who wonders if she’s enough—let me assure you: Yes, you are. You always have been. You don’t have to live up to anyone’s expectations of how you should be coping. You are human, flawed, wonderful, miraculous, and deeply loved.

I see you, and now I hope you’ll see others in the same light. Let’s spread the word: We are enough, just as we are.

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