"The old threads are unraveling,
Get your needles ready.
We are stitching a new quilt
of Humanity.
Bring your old t-shirts,
worn out jeans, scarves,
antique gowns, aprons,
old pockets of plenty
who have held Earth's trea
"The old threads are unraveling,
Get your needles ready.
We are stitching a new quilt
of Humanity.
Bring your old t-shirts,
worn out jeans, scarves,
antique gowns, aprons,
old pockets of plenty
who have held Earth's trea
"Meditation" by Vojtech Preissig
"And then there are the cravings.. Oh, la! A woman may crave to be near water, or be belly down, her face in the earth, smelling the wild smell. She might have to drive into the wind. She may have to plant something
When faced with a decision that scares you.
Think of the women who came before.
Those who could only dream of the opportunities you have now.
Talk to your ancestors my friend.
Hear their primal roar.
They are beside you.
And you are never alon
1. Most of our life is spent chasing false goals and worshipping false ideals. The day you realise that is the day you really start to live.
2. You really, truly cannot please all of the people
And the Great Mother said:
Come my child and give me all that you are.
I am not afraid of your strength and darkness, of your fear and pain.
Give me your tears. They will be my rushing rivers and roaring oceans.
Give me your rage. It will
Invitation to Live Karen Storminger
When I was young,
They said,
“You're too fat.”
So I starved myself
“You're laugh is too loud.”
So I quieted my joy
“You're too bossy.”
So I stepped back behind others
“You're too smart.”
So I hid my thoughts
To the Woman Questioning Her Own Strength
To the woman who gazes around and wonders why others seem so much more capable, so much stronger, so much more ambitious than she feels. To the woman who sees everyone blazing a fiery trail through life while