It is time to recognize that the hunting era has passed.
This should be a more feminine time, a time when women make great contributions to society. If we continue to devalue what women have to offer, we will continue neglecting and devaluing those virtues which are considered feminine. And these are precisely the virtues that the world most needs now.
– 17th Karmapa Ugyen Thinley Dorje
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When faced with a decision that scares you.
Think of the women who came before.
Those who could only dream…
"Meditation" by Vojtech Preissig
"And then there are the…
1. Most of our life is spent…
“My religion is other women.
This isn’t tongue in cheek.
My religion congregates around a fire, …
''Today I asked my body what she needed,
Which is a big…
Be all that you are.
Prioritise the uniqueness that makes you you; the invisible magnet that draws in other like-minded souls to dance in your orbit. ~ Judi Dench
A Mother and Child reunion. Let yourself be reborn in the love and protection of the Goddess.
Art by Freydoon Rassouli
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