Prayer for Unity, Healing, & Light
Sacred Grandmothers, Elders, & Keepers of Ancient Wisdom,
We call upon your guidance in these times of great change.
May your voices rise like the sacred winds,
Carrying prayers of healing, peace, & illumination to all beings.
Help us remember who we are —
Children of the Earth, woven together by spirit & purpose.
Mother Earth, Heartbeat of Creation,
You who hold us in your embrace,
Teach us to walk gently upon your sacred body.
May we honor the rivers & oceans that cleanse,
The mountains that stand with strength,
The fire that transforms, & the air that carries our breath.
May we live in harmony with your rhythms,
Offering gratitude for the life you sustain.
Guardians of the Four Sacred Directions,
From the East, bring us clarity, the wisdom of the rising sun.
From the South, bring us warmth, love, & the fire of transformation.
From the West, bring us the waters of renewal, the depth of intuition.
From the North, bring us grounding, the steady strength of our ancestors.
Let the light of unity shine upon all nations,
May barriers dissolve, & hearts open wide.
May we remember that love is our greatest teacher,
& compassion our strongest shield.
Where there is suffering, may we bring comfort.
Where there is division, may we plant understanding.
Where there is fear, may we kindle the fire of hope.
In this sacred moment, we release the burdens we carry.
We call in healing.
We call in peace.
We call in the strength to stand as one.
With the blessings of the Grandmothers, the Elders,
The whisper of the wind, the embrace of the Earth,
The sacred waters, & the eternal flame,
May we walk forward in light, together.
So it is.
Much Love,
Grandmother Flordemayo 
*Art by RC Gorman