Celtic Woman - Tír na nÓg ft. Oonagh

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Music video by Celtic Woman performing Tír na nÓg. 

When you're neither Scottish, Celtic, Gaelic, or Irish and yet their music is the only thing that calls to you, it really feels like magic.

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  • Okay background to tir na nóg because some people aren’t Irish and don’t know the folklore

    There was once an Irish prince named Oisin, he knew of the legend of tir na nóg where you would never age and there was a beautiful princess called Niamh but that’s just a legend right?
    Oisin was out hunting with a few nobles and then one of them accidentally shot him in the back with a bow. The nobles discussed what to do and decided to leave him for dead.
    Oisin had lost all hope and had accepted he was going to die, he then heard the sounds of hooves, he opened his eyes and there was a beautiful woman, more beautiful than you could ever imagine, she hoisted him onto her horse ( without getting off btw) Oisin awoke in a palace in the middle of the forest which he later learned was called tir na nóg. The woman who had saved him was princess Niamh. Over a few months Niamh and Oisin drew closer and got married. After what seemed like a few years Oisin wanted to say goodbye to his father, he asked Niamh if he could borrow her horse her being the perfect wife she agreed, but gave him a warning not to get off it under any circumstances. Oisin made his way to his fathers castle, upon arrival all he could find were ruins of a castle. Oisin made his way back to tir na nóg but on his way back was an elderly man who’s leg was caught under a heavy stone Oisin, who had forgotten about Niamhs warning got off the horse to help the old man, he lifted the bolder with ease, although a few seconds later Oisin had turned into an old man, older than the man he had helped ( who was pretty old) before a minute had passed since he got off the horse Oisin had died of old age. Legend has it that Niamh is still waiting in tir na nóg for Oisin to return.

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