
Dear Mama Earth

11134225079?profile=RESIZE_584x"Dreaming of Pomegranates" by Felice Casorati (1913)



Dear Mama Earth

I am tired.
Like your are
Weary to my chalk-earth bones

Mama Earth
I look for you, I have my whole life
Without knowing what for. Why.
Though as a child
I was closer.

I somehow learned to see only
where you were boxed up, categorised
bar-coded, repackaged
sold back to me

To build knots and walls up inside.
To want instead
the things they made
of your rich, nourishing body,
From every living, breathing
part of life
Dark cogs churning through you
without end.

They sold back imitations,
to assuage our lengthening grief
Like a child given sugar-water,
who needs milk
A child lost,
looking for her Mother.

Perhaps this is why there is so much blame
on human mothers
For no matter how hard they try
Give, nurture, care, feed, love
they can never be you.
But, how could they?
They hunger for you too

I am sorry.

So many imitations.
For even our false mother, Materialism,
tricks her children with your name
'Mater', the Latin word for 'mother'.

An endless consuming that can't be filled
when our souls starve instead
to connect
to commune.

I am sorry.
I was searching the skies for you
as you nurtured me beneath my feet.
As your abundant, glorious LIFE
swirled its symphony of Love and Beauty
all around me

All along, you were right here,
holding me in your arms
as I grew and learned,
Fell to my knees
and learned to walk again.
Rebirthing me always
from Your womb.

I was never alone.

Thank you. 11134224299?profile=RESIZE_180x180


~ Rachel Alana Falconer

Happy Mother's Day! To all the mothers,
and to our Greatest One.

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